Remove the Folders ~/Movies, ~/Music etc



I want to remove the folders Movies, Music inside my home directory. Now I have done it, but when I login, OSX creates this folders again. Is there a way to remove this items??
It's just gonna keep doing it I guess.

At one point I had deleted my Public folder and it never came back. Ever.

I don't know what to say, you can't make the OS stop doing it. They should put the option in, but for now, it's just gonna keep happening.

Someone will probably tell you how to just make the folders invisible, but that's probably the only option.
Ok, thanks for the reply. Now I has create a Text-File called ".hidden". In this File, I write

and save it to the Home-Directory. But the Directorys are already visible...
.hidden file doesn't actually have to change the Finder flags to make it invisible.

Hmm, there's a folder somewhere in /System/Library that contains all of the folders that go into making the default folders for a new member account - maybe if you delete the folders from there (would require root access), the folders wouldn't be recreated on a reboot. Not sure, though.
If you do what Darkshadow suggested, be verrrrry careful!
You could seriously **** up your computer if you accidently removed the wrong file.
Yes, it's the directory
"/System/Library/User Template"

But removing the directorys doesn't help... Trying another way...