Removing programs


I'd like to know how to completely remove programs in Mac OS X. For instance, I have no use for iMovie, iTunes, Mail, etc. and would like to know how to remove them completely. Would simply deleting the package in the Applications folder do the job? Back when I was using Mac OS 9, I knew pretty much what every file in the system folder was and what program they belonged to, but now, I have no idea what most of them do.
It is much easier than in windows since there is a set pattern for where files belong. The Application file in your /Applications directory contains all of the program, there are no libraries or system folders to worry about.

The preferences are stored in two places. For settings for all users, look in /Library/Preferences for the PREF file for that app. For settings for a particular user, look in users-home-folder/Library/Preferences. These files are quite small, and if you haven't used the program they probably weren't even created.
I think you still have to look for Application Supported items?

Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/

Those items are usually for 3rd party appz... but none the less, check there too...

Also, if you want to dump iTunes, be sure to delete the folder it creates in the following directories:

Macintosh HD/Documents/iTunes (if you had OS9)

I am sure there must be a better way though.