Rename multiple items?


Guys, what do you do if you want to rename multiple items in finder, such as picts, MP3, docs, or anything...?
Is there any other way instead of using softwares like "a better finder rename" or "skooby renamer" ?
I usually use AppleScript or Automator. Apple included some basic scripts for this with OS X, located in "/Library/Scripts/Finder Scripts".

But the simplest way for mosty people IS to use third-party apps. There are plenty of good free ones out there.
sort of on topic.. to do with file names... i know you can check a box that shows every file with its extension.. eg.. park.jpg or info.doc.. but when you uncheck the box the file extensions dont disappear. is there anyway to make them all disappear.. so they just read 'park' or 'info'?