Rep Power Icons? a new addition. i'm confused by it

Would only serve to create competition among our users, and we don't want that.
thats the same reason that a few years ago, post counts were discontinued (but as you can see, they were eventually brought back)
Post counts simply show the number of posts a individual posts. The only person that has control over this is the person who makes the post. Reputation is controlled by others and may not accurately reflect the users reputation.

It was done as a trial only.
I agree with the removal, I'd already talked to some people who were feeling somewhat excluded... not for anything particularly bad on their part. There's really no reason for them; people who come here looking for a quick fix will pretty quickly figure out who knows what they're talking about and who does not. Quantification is not necessary.
It'd be a fun idea if it were used lightly (or was shown only in a member's profile maybe). I remember when I first started posting here, I was sorta put off by the high post counts of others for some reason... don't remember rightly what the issue was...

Anyway, I'm up over a thousand posts myself now, and am glad to be a member. :)
now there can be no proof of my inflated ego

oh wait i only had 2

no really, it was a cool idea, but i do see the reason they were taken off and agree with it. we don't need rep power as long as those we help say thanks and then help others. which is what this forum is all about. :D
What I meant was I had this thing that said "Press that goofy looking icon next to my offline/online status if this post was helpful."
bad posts has been there ever since i became a user (very good against people like that troll we had a while back)
Cat said:
Funny that you can still report bad posts, but cannot report the good ones ...
Are you serious? I would think that the status quo would be good posts, and would be expected.
I would think that the status quo would be good posts, and would be expected.
Then why do you need to report bad posts? If "rep power" can be abused, so can "report bad post". I liked the idea of balance between the two. It would be nice to have a feature where you can actually *compliment* someone for a excellent, insightful post.

Look at it this way:
Bad members (trolls) get banned
Donating members get special features
But what do excellently contributing members get?
Post count doesn't tell you anything about quality.
because... you rate the person by their current post. that way, noobs have a chance to be helpful, and listened to, and the older posters can't rest on their laurels. i think i should be only assessed on the post you are reading now, forgiving me for any accidentally bad posts, or damning me, but assessing indepedently anyway
Well, one way to identify a troll or trouble-maker is with the Report Bad Post function. I've seen a few messages in my online history from admins pleading with people to USE the feature, maybe because they don't have the time to sift through each and every post. If an admin is identifying a troll, my assumption is that they would take a look at the context and judge accordingly.

And if you want to compliment a good post, there's the handy Quote button on the bottom. Just say "Good post! It was helpful because...". That's the way it's been done for a long time, and it's worked fine. Plus, it is a more visible and open form of a compliment anyway.

I dunno, not a big deal.