Christian often have bad reputations, usually brought upon themselves. Most of the time when Christians are looked at as "freaks" or "nuts" or some other equivalent, it's because of something stupid like that website. Most other times it's because they either act hypocritcal, hypercritical, over-zealous, holier-than-thou, or overbearing.
Hey, nkuvu, I'm a Christian. Yes, I have a certain set of beliefs that I live by as a rule, and yes, I believe that I am right. But I also believe that every person on this planet has the right to believe and live they way they choose.
As far as being a religious salesman, I'm always interested in sharing my faith, but I would rather do it through building a relationship. If those I have a relationship ask questions, or if it is topically appropriate, I will share. If not, I just focus on the relationship.
Can't tell you how many times people, myself included, are put off when a Christian gets "preachy." There is an appropriate time and place for all things.