Repent for being a Mac user!!

"but the truth has finally come out: Apple Computers promote Godless Darwinism and Communism."...

I new there was another reason why I got into using Apple!!:D
I have printed this article and I am keeping it forever. Wow Wow Wow!!!!! This article has cheered me up for the next couple of months!!!

Where do we start!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D
1. Apple logo based on Isaac Newton's discovery! Not Adam & Eve! (Are we denying the existence of gravity as well!)

2. Apple system stands for simplicity, more Zen than Christianity I suppose!

3. Was it not the Christians that where persecuted for "Thinking Different"!!

4. What is Dr Paley to make of Microsoft's Roman Empire then?!!

5. "This OS -- and its Darwin offspring -- extensively use what are called "daemons" (which is how Pagans write "demon" -- they are notoriously poor spellers: magick, vampyre, etc.)" he he he, if Dr Paley had done any research, he would realise that this was how Old English was used, a recognised higher standard of English!

666. Apple have produced 'shiny lickable buttons', hmm, Dr Paley, are you by any chance writing this article from your soft-cell?

I know eighth graders who understand communism and evolution better than this guy. Seemingly, he does not understand that neither of them have anything to do with religion. He's simply using history as a benchmark for each of these ideas, and if that's any indication or a doctrine's value, then Christianity has a long while to go. (i.e. crusades, child molestation)

BTW, I guess I don't fit the mold, since I go to church every week and use a Mac. :rolleyes:
LOL this is friggin' hillarious. I printed it out as well. This may be the funniest thing I've read in a while :)
That guy has not been around when <deity of his choice> has been passing brains. Sometimes I wonder whether free speech is such good an idea, especially considering young and/or easily impressionable.

In their corrupt minds, these people will not even listen to the classical definition of daemon (attempt at a classical Latin spelling of a classical Greek word), since these pre-date Christianity (Pagans), and are automatically excluded.

Fortunately, we here have laws against Wiederbetaetigung; these should apply in this case, as well.
That is so stupid.

I'm a Christian and a Mac user!

It's idiots like that who give Christians a bad reputation.
This one is even better than the thread with the link where it says that Quake is a program for terrorists to practice and so on.:D

ebolag4: I didn't know that christians had a bad reputation?
Slightly OT: That Hexley mascot is pretty dumb. Looks like a Platypusish Donald Duck ripoff wearing a hood. Don't like it.

Christians have a bad rep for a lot of us who aren't Christians. I'm not saying that I hate all Christians or any stupidity like that. But if someone walked up to me and said "Hi, I am a Christian" I would immediately be cautious. I have had way too many "religion salesmen" knocking on my door.

I couldn't load the page -- operation timed out, so I'll try again later and come back with something witty to say. Well, as witty as I ever am... :rolleyes:
Christian often have bad reputations, usually brought upon themselves. Most of the time when Christians are looked at as "freaks" or "nuts" or some other equivalent, it's because of something stupid like that website. Most other times it's because they either act hypocritcal, hypercritical, over-zealous, holier-than-thou, or overbearing.

Hey, nkuvu, I'm a Christian. Yes, I have a certain set of beliefs that I live by as a rule, and yes, I believe that I am right. But I also believe that every person on this planet has the right to believe and live they way they choose.

As far as being a religious salesman, I'm always interested in sharing my faith, but I would rather do it through building a relationship. If those I have a relationship ask questions, or if it is topically appropriate, I will share. If not, I just focus on the relationship.

Can't tell you how many times people, myself included, are put off when a Christian gets "preachy." There is an appropriate time and place for all things.
I myself am a Christian and an Apple User. This is the most pathetic example of ignorance if I have ever seen it. Yes, Apple was founded by long haired hippies, but Steve sure is not giving away all of his "capitalist pig" money. And the obviousness of the apple logo relating with the fall of man!?! Come on!

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther made himself a heratic by the Catholic church by posting the 95 theses. I guess, as of April 20, 2002, I am a heratic times two because I am not switching.
ebolag4 said:
But I also believe that every person on this planet has the right to believe and live they way they choose.
This, I believe, is the critical difference between Christians who I will talk to and Christians I avoid.

I also should point out that I really have no problems with any religion, as long as they don't try to push it on me. I had a friend that I knew for two years before I found out that he was a Jehovah's witness. I had another friend who I knew for five years before I knew he was a member of the Latter Day Saints. In both cases I found out only through indirect information. This is the kind of religious person I really enjoy being around.

Both of these people had very good, intelligent conversations about religion with me. If I know the person beforehand, it is a lot more likely that I won't recoil when they declare their religion.
You know you're dealing with great satire when over half the audience isn't sure if it's satire or not...

Check out the 'for kids' page, it's even better. The whole site is a brilliant joke.
Ha ha. Seriously though, is it satire?

Please say yes. Please say yes.

-the valrus
Sorry scruffy. That's the real thing. We are not dealing with a hoax. And yes the kids page is hilarious. For one, my 4 year old would laugh at that page too, especially the maze. Another, this REALLY puts a bad image of nonChristians to children. And vice versa. And to add also, the Bible does say we are to be in the world, but not of the world. This page is telling not to live in either.

I wish I could tell you all how NOT Christian this site is.
I agree banjo boy, this site is about as hypocritical as you can get. The first half is about propaganda and what is he doing? He's spreading lies and stretching truths on a mass media level.

Replacement sig: I'm a christian and use a macintosh. Who am I as a mortal to judge spirituality of my fellow man. If someone has questions I let them ask, otherwise let my personal walk with Christ be just that: personal.

We should all focus on excommunicating the real evil, Windows ;-P