Replacing a Graphics Card


Uber Nothing
Is there ANY WAY to replace the graphics card in my eMac? I think that it's saudered onto the motherboard..... It's a Radeon 7500 with 32MB VRAM, and thats just barely scrapping it in games. If I even think about turning on an option like environmental mapping, I get lag so crazy it would make ICP shudder.

Thanks in advance to all replies.
Yes, it is.
Hardware because the chip cannot be changed.
Software, in case some future system update somehow provides more than 32MB of RAM, and injects some non-existent features that will cause the built-in video to support amazing things. :)

All kidding aside - If you upgrade to the upcoming tiger, you'll find more limitations, due to the small vid memory and the chipset itself, that some features in Tiger will not be available to you. I have heard that the next gen eMac may have video support for the core graphics features of Tiger. I'll wait and see on that!
Ooooooo that really ticks me off. :mad: Some features of Tiger won't be available to me? Damn..... Time to upgrade soon, eh?

I'm hoping with the next Mac that I purchase I will have enough cash to get a G5 tower, and actually be able to upgrade it without buying an entirely new machine.