Report on 7B7X and 7B8X builds


I hope you'll enjoy this very fresh report I've just posted. It covers very recent builds of Panther (7B7X and 7B8X series).

I tested it on several Macs, including an iMac rev A, a PowerMac G4 @ 1Ghz and a PowerBook G4 @ 800Mhz.

There is also information related to Disc burning, hardware compatibility with Adaptec products, new features and improvements, overall speed and stability.

It's here.
From the site
-A new "Hardware" preferences pane has been introduced.
It allows users to enable or disable L2 and L3 cache and also indicates the speed of the processor and the system bus.

The "Hardware" System Preference Pane is actually a part of the CHUD tools (part of XCode), not the basic Panther install, and was available in Jaguar if you installed the CHUD tools when installing the Developers Tools.
I know these questions aren't normally allowed, but I'm just trying to find clarification: where are people getting the 7b8x builds? I have dev seed privileges and the latest drop on the Apple site is 7b74...

We can say this much, I guess: Yes, 7B74 is the latest ADC dev seed to date, and yes there's a 7B80 build 'floating around'. I'm not aware of the source of that build, but there are 'special' developers, i.e. the big houses, that get special seeds. There are also some seeds that some people get to test the language packs against.