Sadam's Iraq was a secular military dictature, Saddam actively opposed religious fundamentalism as it threatened his power.A link between Sadam and 9/11? You are right, it might not exist, but do you honestly think he has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism at all. Come on dude, don't be that naive/stupid. If you honestly think he didn't have anything at all, then that is sad.
He used chemical weapons on a curd village, which he didn't exactly considered to be "his own people". the curds were revolting and didn't exactly consider Saddam their leader. So the "his own people" isn't quite right. Moreover what you could have rather claimed is that he used chemical weapons in his war against Iran. This war, by the way, was supported and partially paid for by the USA.We know for a fact that he used chemical weapons on his own people in the past.
Have you ever honestly asked yourself why Saddam and many others hate the USA? Has ever the idea that they could have reasons (good or bad) to hate you? Did you ever consider addressing those possible reasons with diplomacy instead of using military pressure? Saddam might have been personally rich, but Iraq was (and still is) bankrupt. It couldn't have invaded a child's sandbox if it had wanted to.We know he hates us and he is a rich dictator that has commited terroristic acts in the past.
When does the War on Hunger start? Or the War on Poverty?So, he is on the list of targets in the War on Terrorism. Save up your tears for the next war. Yes ye of little intelect, there will be more wars.
Actually Afghanistan still has no democracy or freedom, Iraq is still not secure, Pakistan is a military dictatorship, the 9-11 hijackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia against which nothing is being done and Bin Laden is still on the loose ... tell me, how has all that made the USA or the rest of the world more secure?Unless you want to risk your life on the actions of terrorists within our shores, I say you just sit back and enjoy the comforts and security provide to you by the efforts of Bush and other like minded people who understand that evil exists and it will grow unless you stamp it out.
ScottW said:Go Christians!
Since there are 0 votes for "Pure R" and "ideas can change people", I guess we should assume that yours is a vote for "religion is more important that politics".ScottW said:I'm the Conservative Cheer-Leader! HA!
TommyWillB said:Political tangent...
Is there any way of determining which of our elected officials use Mac's vs. PC's?
If so, maybe we can all unite in support of our Mac using leaders?
Sheesh...ScottW said:...whether you like it or not... God is in control. Seriously.
There is no reason to question...
...the God the created the heavens and the earth...
...the muslims serve... another god... Satan.
...the Bible predicts... the war of Armageddon... this world ending war...
...the person who signs this accord with Israel, is the anti-Christ.
...(if) you think that the war on poverty is going to solve world issues... think again.
...Go after and kill all the terrorist.... more are being created daily...
By introducing our method of life and our technology... you win the war on terror.
God is in control (of) those things we might deem bad.
Harvestr said:Cat, I know why Sadam hates us, and why others hate us and it is not our fault. Sure, the orginal disagreement may be based off something we did, but the reaction is unjustified no matter how you look at it. If you honestly think we DESERVE 9/11 and other such actions, then I feel very sorry for you. Many nations piss one another off, but you don't see them jumping on planes and taking out each others citizens with them. Hell, if the U.S. and Russia acted like these terrorists, we would have nuced each other to hell in the 1980s and we would be blowing up building in France right now.
Your "US is the real evil" is typical leftist rhetoric that I could have taken right out of Sean Hannity's book, Deliver Us from Evil. You are ignorant to the fact that no matter what we do, others will hate us. If a country has a problem with us, then lets negotiate and come to an agreement. Yet if they avoid that course of action and instead attack us and kill us, then all diplomacy is out the window.
You also have forgotten about the 15 years that we used diplomacy in Iraq. UN weapons inspectors that were not given access to certain areas of Iraq, buildings that were off limits, resolutions that he broke, etc., etc. We put up with that for 15 years. Why do you think such a course was going to suddenly change for the better. You think 16 years is the gestation period for the birth of civility from a known terrorist regiem? I think anyone who backs their thinking with a good amount of logic would agree that his time should have been up a long time ago.
Your theory of appeasement and containment has never worked, EVER! Try looking at Chamberlain vs. Churchill for a good example. Then we have Carter weaken the hell out of the US, Reagan builds us up. Clinton tears it down, Bush is building it back up. Yes, Clinton tore it down for all you Clinton fans. Y2k and the tech boom along with the boom of day trading is what created our prosperity back then, not Bill the shlongmeister Clintonista. USS Cole, US Embassy bombed, and the first attack on the trade centers, all under Clinton. What did he do? NOTHING! He sent our guys into get slaughtered by sending too few, in Somalia and other areas. None of that got blamed on him, yet Bush comes along and stands up for your right to defend ourselves and you all get bent out of shape. It is understandable though. I mean afterall, most of you small brained liberals have forgotten about 9/11. Ann Coalter is right - "for liberals, history starts this morning."
Bush will win in November and all you liberals can enjoy the further decay of your lost, no good, dying, rotting, never has been never will be anything but crap party known as the Demorcraps.
I should have; I SO should have. I have way too much to do today to spend it all here.I thought you took your ball and bat and went home?
ScottW said:
brianleahy said:God gives us free will
However, it seems to me that you are saying that God knows enough about each of us that He can predict, in advance, with total certainty - what decisions we will make based on free will.
God created each one of us, as well as each of our parents, and each of the people that will influence our lives.
God, being omniscient, also knows about every external circumstance that can possibly affect our lives.
Hence, it would appear to follow that nothing that happens to us, nor anything that any of us would ever do could conceivably surprise God.
Most religions hold that God rewards us for doing certain things, and punishes us for doing others
brianleahy said:Therefore, God knows before we are born whether we'll be going to heaven or hell, at which point he COULD elect NOT to create us, or could create us differently if he so wished, or else (being omnipotent) could alter the circumstances of our lives so that we would unerringly make the decisions that would land us in heaven.
I thus conclude that, if all of the foregoing is true, if anyone ever goes to hell, it means God really couldn't care less what happens to us.
brianleahy said:EDIT: Furthermore, unless you believe in reincarnation, the entire point of heaven and hell are kinda fuzzy; your destiny is set in advance, and once you're dead, you're done. It's not like you'll have some subliminal memory of fire & brimstone to keep you on the straight & narrow next time.
though you are free to make your own decisions, God fore-knew the decisions you would make... even before you where created.
God is in control and ALL THINGS work toward the Glory of God... even those things we might deem bad.
brianleahy said:So then: what is free will? It seems to me that, for our purposes here, free will is the ability of a human to do things that may not conform to God's will. If you'd like to sharpen this point a bit, please do.
brianleahy said:Next, consider this excerpt from your very own post:
"though you are free to make your own decisions, God fore-knew the decisions you would make... even before you where created."
First: does this include whether or not you're going to have Faith?
brianleahy said:Second: I would like to hear your answer as to exactly how this differs from predestination - or as the scientific community calls it, determinism. This is the notion that, given sufficient knowledge of the prevailing conditions prior to an event, the outcome of the event can be predicted with total certainty. If human behavior is deterministic, then God, possessing ALL knowledge, should logically be able to predict every single event, including those resulting from the exercise of free will.
brianleahy said:Still, being able to predict something is, I will concede, not the same as controlling it. Yet if you believe that God creates human souls, it seems to me not unlike writing a computer program: you aren't actually 'controlling' it in real-time while it's running, but you did design it from the outset to behave a certain way, so that it's behavior is highly predictable. If a program does something unexpected, we don't call it 'free will' -- we call it a bug.
Of course, you can certainly INTENTIONALLY write a program to behave in an unpredictable way, but if you do that, it'd be awfully petty of you to want to "punish" the program for NOT doing what you wanted.
brianleahy said:And while I'm thinking of it, it seems to me that if we accept the heaven & hell concept, does it really make sense to say that the gift of 'free will' is really a greater "act of love" than a guaranteed ticket to heaven would be? If I'm spending eternity burning and screaming, am I going to be thinking: "Well, at least God loved me enough to let me cook my own goose this way..." Free will for 70 to 80 years vs. the chance of an eternity of torment. Hmmm.[/QUOTE[
You just might think that I suppose. I shouldn't want to take the chance to test out that theory. Of course, my ticket to heaven is already established, it is impossible for me to not g now.
brianleahy said:To return to an earlier post of yours:
"God is in control and ALL THINGS work toward the Glory of God... even those things we might deem bad."
Do I even have to point out the problem here? Read your quote there, and tell me how that squares with free will.
You have free will, that means you can choose to do what you want. (Ref: your definition above). Okay, so let's say that your driving down the road and you get in a car wreck. It is a bad crash, you live, but you loose a leg and an arm (it was a bad crash). Many people will say, "How could GOD allow this to happen?" Yet, through all your pain and agony God might use that (again, he didn't impose it on you) as a way for you to come into a life saving relationship with Him.
brianleahy said:Finally, if ALL THINGS work toward the Glory of God-- then that means sin is a myth, and that it's actually impossible to defy God's will -- He's always two steps ahead of you. This being so, every single person is doing God's work whether they realize it or not, and so all deserve a reward.
Either we are transparent to God, or we aren't. Which is it?
It is not impossible to defy God's will. I do it every day.
It is God's will that we not sin, yet we do. It is God's will that we go out and tell the world about Jesus... regretfully, I am not the best at doing that. Many more things are God's will... but doesn't mean we follow it.
1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
2 The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' "
4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.