Respecting each other


mac shaman
For some strange reason, we have started to slip back into that void where each of thinks we are the only intelligent being that vists the board. or at least some members have. Despite my asking repeatedly for the end of name calling, belittling and questioning of each others opinions, it continues. it seems to fuel upon itself with little chance of stopping once it starts. it seems to only pause when i close a thread that is getting out of hand and quickly starts back up in another thread. :rolleyes:

so perhaps some of you don't understand what i mean by respecting each other and not questioning the intelligence of others. without saying who they are from, let me give you several examples from recent posts.

Your arguments, however, are cheap.

do you just make this stuff up as you go?

...because you obviously don't know anything about that market...

It seems to me that you have some sort of ego problem.

Your personal belief doesn't mean anything (don't take that personally)...

Because if you are 100% sure then something is wrong with you..

Try to be truthful and not try to argue with me...

Are you sure that you really use a Windows box? Cause frankly maybe after all you just play solitaire or something!

This is just a possible future for Apple but truly as of now it is plain dumb to expect such a move from Apple...

these are just a few of the possible examples i could use and all pulled from 2 threads. i could find others by a greater variety of posters, but i would hope that isn't necessary to make this point. frankly, all the people who posted these are people i would expect to do better than this.

my solution again is to give everyone 24 hrs to clean up their acts. go back and edit your own posts. at the end of that time, i'm going to delete any posts i find that are questionable. if you think i might delete your post, i suggest you save a copy to edit and repost if it disappears in order not to have wasted all that time. any new posts that cross the line will get deleted as soon as i see them. so will any replies to them, no matter how nice they are - in other words "don't feed the flames"

if anybody has a better solution speak up now. i'm open to suggestions. but frankly i have never liked when people put each other down. nobody here is perfect and none of us know what kinds of problems the other person is dealing with in life. they may really be schizophrenic or have an iq of 70, but that doesn't give anybody else the right to make public assumptions about them. don't tell people they are wrong - show them. if that's not enough, then just drop it. this is not the united nations and we're not changing the world here.
... I'll NOT going to edit anything that I've posted in the past few days cause really I know that I'm 100% sure about the things that I post...

Facts or personal experiences? You decide cause actually there is nothing in this world that is going to convince the other members of this forum that the PC is a funny sport! I mention things that are actually published on M$ site and Windows sites and still I've got this & that member telling me that I am full of crap... Go ficure! And you know what? Why do I have to learn them things that they don't even want to read/hear/see/understand? Who am I? United Nation?

Anyways, if you want to kick me out of this forum go ahead cause maybe after all you are correct: I cannot respect others... Of course one can say the same thing about Apple in general... You see Ed, they do the same thing at their telling millions of people that are idiots for using a PC because it has MANY problems... But what they know?

Like i said Hulk, show people they are wrong, don't tell them. that is the approach that apple takes. nowhere does apple say "windows users are idiots". nowhere!!

if you don't want to edit your posts then be very aware that the entire posts are going to disappear. the valid points you made will be deleted along with the slanders.

and i'm not kicking you off at this point. i'm not kicking anybody off at this point. but if you and others want to continue this abusive treatment of each other into the future, you will end up having to find another place to do it.

here's a quote from a recently deleted post -

Duh! That's why you aren't rich !

i'm not putting up with the slightest bit of assumption and belittling from anybody at this point. want to joke with your buddy - better make sure a smilie face is there and other clear indications it's a joke.
MacLuv - I almost made the title to this thread

R.E. S. P. E. C. T.


i also thought about -

Tryyyy, just a little bit harder...

no, more like this -

ed smells like poo gas



or (joke)

don't leave your smilie quite so far down the page. i might not ever read that far before i delete it.:D
yeah, well adambyte, you live in southern calif. so you're already living in poo gas. you'd never even notice. :p


we used to have the cuss thread in the forum. maybe now we should have the flame thread and let everybody just go at it. ooops, i forgot the reason the cuss thread got closed is because people couldn't contain it to just there. :(

ok, better get your ed jokes in while i'm still in a good mood. :D
so cal is poo gas? i think not! at least we dont have thick split pea soup fog at 5pm in the summer! :p

san diego is the most beautiful city in the US to live ;)
he he :D

well, i only lived in SoCal for 13 years - 7 in the LA area and 6 in Diego. with the exception of one summer spent living in El Cajon, i always lived within reasonable distance of the beach so all the poo gas got blown inland and away from me.

so if i want to make SoCal jokes, i can say that i have spent my time there and earned the right. but you're right - SD is one of the most wonderful places to live. no doubt. :) (but adambyte lives in LA :eek: )

and i've gotten to where i like my "thick split pea soup fog at 5pm in the summer! " It beats burning up in the heat anytime. don't even need an airconditioner. :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Like i said Hulk, show people they are wrong, don't tell them. that is the approach that apple takes. nowhere does apple say "windows users are idiots". nowhere!!

if you don't want to edit your posts then be very aware that the entire posts are going to disappear. the valid points you made will be deleted along with the slanders.

and i'm not kicking you off at this point. i'm not kicking anybody off at this point. but if you and others want to continue this abusive treatment of each other into the future, you will end up having to find another place to do it.

Ok-Ok... Come on Ed! Maybe I let this came out wrong or maybe you wanted to understand it that way: Not that actually Apple is telling idiots the PC users at their switch campaing but... Isn't this the actual meaning? That: hey people... hear us! you know that wintel box you have all those years? it sucks and YOU already know it! But hey, we have a better thing here... its called an Apple Mac... Buy it!

Or should I say bite it? :D

What do you call someone that for many years or for some time had a thing and he didn't know about any other thing? While at the same time the information and knowledge about the other thing is abundant around him/her?

Ignorant? Fool? Idiot? Boring? Without knowledge? Dumb? Stupid? Newbie? Happy person? Liar? Blind? Smart? Intelligent? What? Cause truth to be told right now I don't know other words to describe that person...

Forgive me but when I tell a person (any person) about Macs the first thing they say is how come they're so good and all people use Wintels? Are they fools and you are smart? Or is the other way around? Or what's the catch? Or what gives?

Anyways, in the last post of mine I think that I didn't call anyone dumb/stupid or anything else...

Do you actually mean that those are the things that are bad manners:?

-"Try to be truthful and not try to argue with me..."
I just told someone to tell the truth and not just argue with me for the sake of JUST arguing... Does that implies that I do not respect the other person? How is that?

-"Are you sure that you really use a Windows box? Cause frankly maybe after all you just play solitaire or something!"
This too shows disrespect? In what way? If you read the whole paragraph I replied to something that I'm sure 100% that he is lying because if one uses windows for REAL work then he should have know the thing I was describing and STILL he was ironic... Or should I tell him: Ok sir... Fine sir... You are right sir... Of course sir... Yes boss! Gimme a break! When a person is lying is lyning! END OF STORY! Or after all he IS just playing solitaire or something ONLY?

-"This is just a possible future for Apple but truly as of now it is plain dumb to expect such a move from Apple..."
Ok... Fine! IT IS a SMART thing to expect from Apple as of now to go Intel/Amd... Is this better Ed? It reads better sure... But is it actually smart?

All I want to say Ed and other Mac veterans around here is that when someone is yo-yo he IS a yo-yo... Who am I to tell otherwise? Ed? Is that your name? What if I called you George? Or Bill? Nah! You are Ed (at least here) so I should call you Ed... When a person Ed is lying or is plain argues with you because he doesn't like your attitude or something that you told him the other day then I'm not going to bend over and let him come... Ok? That's me! What else am I going to do? Post pictures for every single thing that I mention about Windows? Cause Ed if you want this I can DO it you know... And then see who is telling lies and who isn't... Cause it seems that I can't post just text to convince people around here that I know that they are fool of BS... Do you want me Ed to post pictures? It could take some time but hey! It could be really funny for me to see what they gonna say or do to prove me wrong... Do you give me the permission?

As for deleting my whole posts: Go ahead and do it cause you know it seems that they DON'T matter anyways :(
Ed what sort of control freak are you? Are you desperately trying to destroy MacOSX? I thought Californians were supposed to be laid back.

Noone used offensive language in those posts you quoted - people just argued passionatley. So what if egos get bruised - that's what debate is all about.

I understand why you don't allow foul lannguage, but there is nothing in those posts that would be harmful to a minor - so why censor it. It seems like power is going to your head. Try watching a german film called "Das Experiment" which shows how people in power inevitably abuse power - based on a true story and especially apt in german given that country's Nazi past.

Anyway, you might notice I don't often post, but I'm here every day reading and I enjoy the odd chortle at people who make unreasonable arguments. It's FUNNY not offensive. By getting rid of all the passion from this site you will also get rid of a lot of members.

And please, on reading this, don't get all sanctimonious and ask the members to have a vote on how great/bad you are - that is the ultimate sign of someone who's a bit worried he might be going too far.

If everyone on this forum is continually worried their posts might be deleted, why will they post? Just think things through before you stick your power hungry boot in.

So in summary, Ed, chill out - spend some time in your garden, and let people who are passionate, and sometimes childish, express themselves.
From the site rules -
No slandering the character of a board participant - Even if they are mentally retarded and were probably abused by their parents, you shouldn't be compounding their difficulties by publicly airing their personal problems. Everyone has the right to disagree with any other board member, however, the disagreements should focus on the issue and not person issues.

i was not alone in creating the site rules. in fact i had only a small input. the fact of the matter is that this site is not a usenet group and personal attacks, belittling and questioning the intelligence and integrity of other members is not going to be tolerated. if i weren't moderating this forum, someone else would be in charge of seeing to it that site rules are obeyed. moderators might change - the rules are going to remain. if you find personal attacks entertaining, join usenet or find a forum that encourages them, cause this ain't it.

i think you'll find i'm being pretty "laid back" by allowing people to take personal responsibility for cleaning up their own acts instead of me just deleting or editing their posts from the start. this isn't about power, this is about keeping discussions within the boundaries of the site policy. frankly, i wish all i had to do as a moderator was move a few threads to their correct forums.

and if i were a "control freak", then i would be busy deleting your personal attacks on me.
hulk -

i don't have the time and energy to point out what is insulting about each of your posts. but let me take one and give you a clear interpretation

-"Try to be truthful and not try to argue with me..."
I just told someone to tell the truth and not just argue with me for the sake of JUST arguing... Does that implies that I do not respect the other person? How is that?

you are indirectly calling the person a liar. you are saying that they aren't being truthful. you are making an assumption based upon your perceptions of the world which may or may not be right. if you told me to be truthful, i would be pretty offended that you thought i wouldn't be. if you could, on the other hand, show me where i was mistaken, then i would be inclined to admit that my previous truth had been changed.

but some people are going to confront you some time with opinions that no amount of "facts" are going to change. insulting them is not going to change them and it doesn't make you look any smarter. i know you're a smart guy hulk, just a little emotional about your macs. but you've got to learn to ignore some things and be the bigger man. it isn't about being right or wrong sometimes.

as for posting pics to show your point - please do. neyo does it all the time. sometimes a pic says more than words can, particularly when you have language difficulties. there's no problems with that. just keep in mind, that people are entitled to their own opinions whether you agree with them or not.

I would be glad to talk to you more about this privately when i get up tomorrow. please think about what i've said so far.
one last thing for now - verbal emotional abuse is one of the major contributions to depression, low self esteem and other personal problems related to mental illnesses. if i can help reduce it in just this one place at this point in time, then i can go to bed at night feeling good about myself despite the verbal abuse heaped upon me for doing it.

"We are human beings first and everything else second. Let us treat each other as such." - from my sig.