restless sleep consumes much battery


When I put my powerbook (pismo 500mhz) to sleep it consumes
battery juice much faster than OS 9. I used to be able to
sleep for several days and only loose a small charge. Now
after a days sleep on battery it will fully discharge the
battery and crash, resetting the clock. It sure appears
to be fully asleep, but it must be cycling the processor or
some such. No wonder it wakes up so fast. I wake up fast too when I am not really asleep. :-)
I've noticed that my PowerBook's (G3/300, WallStreet II) display shows faint, shifting ggrey bands when it is "asleep" under OS X. I wonder, is that good for the screen? It suggests though that the computer isn't truly and fully asleep.

I've always got mine plugged in, so I've not noticed any battery drain.

-- ben
Originally posted by Michael.Burns
Now after a days sleep on battery it will fully discharge the
battery and crash, resetting the clock.

The resetting of the clock is not unique to OS X. This has happened on my bronze keyboard powerbook ever since day one after it sleeps itself to death. (It also resets the General Controls and Keyboard settings, which is a pain because I remap my F keys to other things. :))

There has been a little discussion about this on the <a href="">Macfixit</a> forums, but to my knowledge there is no official word from Apple.
Apple does address this. You are running down the battery and there is only limited power for the pram to support battery swapping.


<a href=""> Apple TIL 30580</a>
The clock and pram reset is no surprise at all considering
that the battery has been completely discharged.

The real issue that I was pointing out and would still like
some answer on is that sleeping under MacOS X consumes the
battery so much faster. Under 9 I could leave it asleep
for a whole weekend and still have quite a bit of charge
left. Under X I don't think I can even get a single day.
It seems like its a pretty restless sleep.