Restore RAW Videos to H.264


I have done something while editing some videos, either in iPhoto or in iMovie.

For some reason, all my videos appear now as RAW files in iPhoto and won't play.

It happened about 2 weeks ago and no amount of fiddling seems to be helping.

Any suggestions as to what I might have done, but more importantly, how to restore all the videos back to their original format so they play.
Well, I did it - it just wasn't slick or easy.

I googled this link

Lion, Time Machine and the death of the iphone interface.

That took me to a Macworld article that gave me a direction.

Right click iPhoto Library

Choose Show Package Data

Locate the Masters folder.

Here I found all the original photo files in date order.

I then copied and pasted a year at a time of the video files into a separate folder on the desktop. After that, I re imported them into iPhoto, deleted the RAW files and replaced them with the copies.

All back to normal.

I am sure there is a better way, but hey, that's why I asked the question in the first place 10 days ago............