Retrospect 5 is out, and it's built for Mac OS X!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Woohoo! Major Mac OS X software is just coming out in droves, now! One less reason to stick with Mac OS 9, and we finally have a good backup solution on Mac OS X!

Go... whoever makes good software! Yeah, that's it.

Sounds like an awesome update, too! Here's the "What's new" from

What's new in this version:

• Files larger than 2 GB are now backed up, so even the largest digital video, audio, and graphics files are protected.
• File backup sets are no longer constrained by resource fork size limits and can now exceed 60,000-70,000 files, allowing large hard disks to be used for backing up complete Mac OS X systems, or even entire networks.
• Retrospect Express Backup gains the ability to restore folders and entire disks from older snapshots, making it possible to "roll back" to any previously backed up state.
• All Apple CD-RW and SuperDrives are now supported, adding reliable backup capabilities to these multi-purpose storage devices.
• Each Retrospect edition now has appropriate device support built in. The Advanced Driver Kit (ADK), previously a $150 add-on, is no longer required to use high-capacity tape drives like LTO and SDLT.
• More open files on Windows clients are backed now up, such as open .doc and .xls files, providing more complete backups of Windows desktop and notebook clients on mixed networks.
• Retrospect Backup 5.0 runs with "root" permissions and can completely backup and restore a Mac OS X computer with ease, providing the fastest possible recovery from disaster. When the computer being backed up is booted into Mac OS X, the following are properly preserved:
- All user files and data
- All HFS+ metadata (like type and creator codes)
- Both data and resource forks of multipart files
- Complete long (255 character) filenames
- Proper UNIX ownership and permissions
- Hard linked files, symbolic links, etc.
• Retrospect uses Mac OS X's slick aqua interface, making it look right at home in the new OS, while still being familiar to existing Retrospect users.
• Retrospect takes advantage of improved memory management and protected memory in Mac OS X; even volumes with hundreds of thousands of files are backed up with ease.
• Retrospect can auto-launch and run when no Mac OS X user is logged in, providing additional security and ensuring that backups always run.
• "Live Restore" allows users to restore over a functioning Mac OS X system, effectively rolling the system back to any previously backed up state. Simply restore and restart.
• Installing Retrospect clients on Mac OS X systems does not require a restart, making updating or installing new clients faster and easier.
• The Retrospect client runs as a daemon in Mac OS X, providing maximum performance and security, allowing the system to be backed up reliably, whether or not any user is

Go Dantz!
But found it here.

Apple Optical Storage Device Compatibility
Retrospect 5.0 now supports most Apple CD-RW and DVD-RW storage devices. These devices are compatible with the Retrospect CD/DVD Backup Set type.
I ran the Beta a few weeks ago and unfortunately it did not work with my Onstream Echo USB (15/30 gig). I read their ReadMe and found it to be one of only three mechanisms (out of a list of hundreds) not supported even though it worked in OS 9.

The ReadMe was in contradiction to their compability list, but all I know is that it didn't work in X as of Beta. If anyone has other info, I'd love to hear it.

Also, does anyone have the Firewire version [Onstream Echo FW] and know for a fact that it DOES work with Retrospect 5?
PsyncX (available from VersionTracker) allows you to do many of the same things as Retrospect without having to pay anything.

DavidBaker... guess PsyncX is out then;) If you can tell me it works with the OnStream Echo, flawlessly then I'm interested?
Yes, PsyncX is out :-) I'm not sure if it works with the OnStream Echo. However, if that hard drive can mount in the Finder it should work with PsyncX. I personally use a Maxtor 80 GB drive and it has worked great for me ever since I bought it.

OnStream Echo is a removable tape drive... I guess your app only backups to other hard drives?
Well, it should backup to anything that mounts on the desktop (which includes remote servers, disk images, hard drives, etc.) Does your tape drive mount on the desktop?

If it doesn't it probably won't work with PsyncX. Another clarification. While PsyncX (the GUI) is my app, the CLI app psync is Dan Kogai's. He wrote the actual Perl app.

Originally posted by DavidBaker
Well, it should backup to anything that mounts on the desktop (which includes remote servers, disk images, hard drives, etc.) Does your tape drive mount on the desktop?

If it doesn't it probably won't work with PsyncX. Another clarification. While PsyncX (the GUI) is my app, the CLI app psync is Dan Kogai's. He wrote the actual Perl app.

Stop promoting/advertising your product everywhere or your account will be deleted by a moderator. We don't need this kind of behavior on our boards.
ricky et al.- David has been communicated with and is now aware of what he was doing. He just got a bit over enthusiastic about his accomplishment. frankly it's great that he has done this and is excited to share it with us. so if any discussion around his breaking 'news' would like to be continued, fine. just try to keep it in one or 2 threads, ok. :D

we will likely be cleaning up the 'mess' shortly.
Okay. I thought it was against a rule laid down when you signed up, that said that you couldn't advertise. At least you give people leeway with this, Ed.


I just finished my first OS X program (Actually my first program ever) and I didn't go all over the place suggesting it to people who needed an alternative to choosing IM apps out of the Dock. No offense, but this behavior (or lack of it, in this case) seems a bit overzealous. ;)

Oh well.. to each his own, I suppose.

EDIT: Changed the wording a bit to make it less confusing

EDIT EDIT: Added a word, yay. %D
Originally posted by Ricky
Okay. I thought it was against a rule laid down when you signed up, that said that you couldn't advertise. At least you give people leeway with this, Ed.

Is it advertising if the application is free? :-) Yeah, I have already apologized to Ed and now to everyone else: "I'm sorry for going bonkers. I just thought it would be helpful for other people to know about my app.

What is your app called and where can we get ahold of it?

I haven't figured out everything in the Interface Builder, so I don't have my own About Box. :D But judging by what Ed said, I guess one link couldn't hurt.

IMLaunch (Only for Jaguar)


We'll call it Beta. :D And go easy on me for bugs, I'm only 16. lol
yea ricky - what's your app? i certainly hope you posted an announcement for it somewhere - either here or in os x systems and software.

while this whole 'spree' has brought the issue up for disscussion, i will say that i feel it is ok for any of our members to start a thread to share their mac related developments. just don't make it 500 words with pics and testimonials. :p a simple description and a link should do the trick. if it works well, everybody else will be giving it as an answer in the help threads!!

I think we should take pride in the accomplishments of the members we have here. We have some very talented people who hang out here or visit us from time to time. I would hope that they would see us a fitting community to share with.

i also think there is a difference between a freeware or reasonable shareware and a large commercial product tht obviously lots of people were involved in. I actually consider it a neat thing that so many of our developer type members are willing to share with us and let us know who they are and what they are doing for us.

hey, i may even get up the nerve to give David's program a try :D
oops, you snuck that in on me ricky. i think sharing that is great - especially since you make it clear that it is beta so people are aware that it probbly will have a bug or 2. hopefully you'll get some reports from users and be able to have it up on versiontracker soon. :)

(you have my permission to start a new thread annoucing it and explaining a few features and letting people know they would be beta testing. i think it's cool you have done this. :D )
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
just don't make it 500 words with pics and testimonials. :p
LMAO, yeah. :D No infomercials, please!

By the way, I'll put the thread up tomorrow. :) Need to go to bed now. G'night, all :p
Originally posted by Ricky
I haven't figured out everything in the Interface Builder, so I don't have my own About Box. :D But judging by what Ed said, I guess one link couldn't hurt.

Well, the about box is actually pretty easy. All you need to do is specify where your icon is and Cocoa pretty much builds it for you. You could download the PsyncX source code (sorry here we go again, but it is the only app with an about box that I have built) and take a look at what I did to get the about box to show up. Also, I think there is a good tutorial at about About Boxes.

Originally posted by Ricky

IMLaunch (Only for Jaguar)


We'll call it Beta. :D And go easy on me for bugs, I'm only 16. lol

Well if it is only for Jaguar I'm going to have to wait a bit. And you can't plead age as a factor, I'm only 18 :-)

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
hey, i may even get up the nerve to give David's program a try :D

Well, it won't hurt you! :-) I've been using psync on my computer for at least 4 months now without any problems.
