No I am sorry, but I have to shove my opinion in here.
What the heck is it with europeans and american media???
Perfect example:
I was vacationing in greece a few summers back and had my opinions on certain issues and was ready and able to back them up with good and most importantly *valid* examples.
Whenever they agreed with me they nodded and said "yep yep you're right" Whenever they did not agree and had no reason or *valid* example to back up their point they just gave me the "no matter who your ancestors were, you were born in the US, you are a stupid ignorant american brainwashed by the US media"
I mean give me a f*cken break! This is ouble faceness (is that even a word ?
) at its worst!
Yellow Press exists EVERYWHERE, not just in the usa, and I suggest that everyone who is a free thinking person look into the news with a grain of salt because no matter what the paper or the reporter, you view the news from the reporter's point of view and any prejudices he/she has come out on paper whether he wants it or not.
Furthermore just like you pick and choose your scholarly authors when you go to barnes & noble to get a book to read, the same way you should pick your papers and how you get your news.
There is a greek aesopian fable.
There was once a fox, a very hungry. It comes up to a grapevine and sees some juice grapes hanging from it. It says to itself, what the hell, I am hungry enough. I will try to get them. So she jumped and jumped as high as she could but no matter how high she jumped she could not reach them. In the end she gave up and said to herself "to hell with them, they are sour anyway and not worth my trouble".
I feel that this is the attitude all europeans have to ALL things american, this superiority sickens me to see people who can otherwise say "hey I dont have a valid example, I will get back to you" blame it all on media bias and american ignorance. As a greek-american I take GREAT insult to that