Revision A iMac, New Hard drive, not recognized...


Greetings. Pardon me if someone else has posted this, but I was unable to find it through searching.

Basically, my 4GB drive was showing signs of death, so I reformatted (2 partitions) my external Maxtor 80GB Hard drive. I (gently, of course) removed it from its case and installed it in my iMac.

I partitioned it with a 6.5 GB partition (first) and left the rest of the drive open for storage space. re-assembled my iMac, and placed it in my iMac, and installed Panther on it. No problems...

But when I boot up, I get the infamous question mark of doom. I've tried reinstalling it- no help. When I open up the disk utility off of the CD, it recognizes it as a boot volume, yet still no luck.

What on earth is going on?
What's the model number and make of the drive? Certain Western Digital drives sometimes require special jumper settings to be recognized by older computers.
It's a Maxtor Diamondmax (I want to say Diamondmax 9) 80gigs, 2MB Cache buffer. 7200RPM.

(As an external drive, it was the Maxtor 3000DV)

I didn't change the jumper settings.
You may want to crack the iMac back open and check the jumper settings. If it was in an external case, the jumper may have been set to "CS" (Cable Select). The iMac that you have must have the hard drive jumper set to "Master" to be recognized.