Rhapsody DR2 question...


I have a CD of Rhapsody DR2 a friend gave me, I want to install it on my iMac 233, is it compatible? If not, is there a way to bypass that?

Thanks, PsychoSync.
No, Rhapsody DR2 needs a PCI-PowerMacintosh, afaik. A PowerMac 7500/8500/9500 or similar machine in order to run.
There is also a way of forcing the installation on Beige G3 systems, but you would need to apply a patch to make sure that Rhapsody knew how to work with the G3 processor (otherwise it sees a G3 as a 603e and the system takes a noticeable performance hit).


I've never heard of anyone trying on an iMac 233 before either. If it isn't that different from the G3 All-in-One, it might work. You would have better luck with Rhapsody 5.3 or later (Mac OS X Server 1.0 or later).

You can find reports on attempts with iMacs here, and if you are successful in getting it installed on some system you may find my site useful (here).