Is anyone running the PPC/Rhapsody text version of setiathome under OS X? I've been running it on my G4/500 SP with 256 Meg, and it seems like it's taking about ten-twelve hours to do a work unit. Running the Mac OS version under 9.0.4 on the same machine, I was churning work units in about 6 1/2 hours. I thought the native text version would run faster.... Now, granted, under OS 9 it was running as a screensaver (and presumably as a foreground task) whereas under X it's running in the background and constantly getting pre-empted, but it' slurping up every available CPU cycle it can get its hands on--anywhere from 30% to 75%, and the CPU's maxed out all the time it's running, so I would have thought it would be at least running in the 7-9 hour range...