Right click and mouse



I just bought a bluetooth apple wireless mouse. Is there any way to configure it for right and left clicks? I dont want to have to click and press control for a right click.

I seem to remember I saw a guy in the apple store using a mac mouse, and when he pressed the left side of the mouse he got a left click, and when he pressed the right side he got a right click. Was I just imaging that? How can I get my mouse to do that?
'... bluetooth apple wireless mouse ... Is there any way to configure it for right and left clicks?', no.

'I dont want to have to click and press control for a right click.', then return the mouse for a refund (and purchase a third party multiple button mouse) or purchase the Apple 'Mighty Mouse'.

'... I saw a guy in the apple store using a mac mouse, and when he pressed the left side of the mouse he got a left click, and when he pressed the right side he got a right click. Was I just imaging that?', you were watching the guy using Apple's 'Mighty Mouse'.

'How can I get my mouse to do that?', you cannot.
My vote is for a third-party mouse. Wait for version two of Mighty Mouse, when Apple gets it right with a two-button mouse. It's new technology, after all. ;)
dmetzcher said:
My vote is for a third-party mouse. Wait for version two of Mighty Mouse, when Apple gets it right with a two-button mouse. It's new technology, after all. ;)
So true... it is new to them. Do not get the mighty mouse at any cost. Simply get a decent 2 button scroll pc optical mouse and you are good to go. I like microsoft (yes they make good mouses) and logitech's mouses, they are accurate and feel great.
Nothing, though they have had a slight problem with some of the scroll balls busting...but that's what warranties are for.
mdnky said:
Nothing, though they have had a slight problem with some of the scroll balls busting...but that's what warranties are for.
I wasn't referring to anything breaking. I was actually referring to the poor design. First, the scroll ball collects oils and dirt from your finger, and gets gunked up. Second, the side squeeze buttons give no feedback whatsoever, and the OS doesn't always register their action right away, so you can wind up squeezing them a couple times before you realize that the OS got it the first time. If there was feedback, like with a mouse button (i.e. - a "click" that you feel), you would know to wait a second. Third, it's wired. Who makes a Bluetooth mouse with one button, and then a two-button wired mouse? To upgrade to the two-buttons, Apple leaves you two options: (1) give up wireless, or (2) go elsewhere and get your mouse. Fourth, the scroll ball doesn't really move things diagonal, as it was originally marketed (I believe they said "panning" around the screen). It goes up and down, and left and right. Panning is both at the same time.

Frankly, it just seems that Apple tried to blow everyone away with this mouse, and it fell flat. Scroll wheels work, and people are used to them. They were saying for years that no one would know how to use a two-button mouse, and then they released a mouse with a scroll ball that takes longer to get the hang of than the second button for a new user. It appeared to me, after testing the mouse out, that someone at Apple woke up one day and said, "Hey, I have a great new idea! A two-button mouse!", forgetting that other companies had been doing it for years and had perfected the design and functionality.

Some people love the mouse, others hate it. That seems to be the two extremes, with few people in the middle, based on the other reviews I've read.
dmetzcher said:
I wasn't referring to anything breaking. I was actually referring to the poor design. First, the scroll ball collects oils and dirt from your finger, and gets gunked up. Second, the side squeeze buttons give no feedback whatsoever, and the OS doesn't always register their action right away, so you can wind up squeezing them a couple times before you realize that the OS got it the first time. If there was feedback, like with a mouse button (i.e. - a "click" that you feel), you would know to wait a second. Third, it's wired. Who makes a Bluetooth mouse with one button, and then a two-button wired mouse? To upgrade to the two-buttons, Apple leaves you two options: (1) give up wireless, or (2) go elsewhere and get your mouse. Fourth, the scroll ball doesn't really move things diagonal, as it was originally marketed (I believe they said "panning" around the screen). It goes up and down, and left and right. Panning is both at the same time.

Frankly, it just seems that Apple tried to blow everyone away with this mouse, and it fell flat. Scroll wheels work, and people are used to them. They were saying for years that no one would know how to use a two-button mouse, and then they released a mouse with a scroll ball that takes longer to get the hang of than the second button for a new user. It appeared to me, after testing the mouse out, that someone at Apple woke up one day and said, "Hey, I have a great new idea! A two-button mouse!", forgetting that other companies had been doing it for years and had perfected the design and functionality.

Some people love the mouse, others hate it. That seems to be the two extremes, with few people in the middle, based on the other reviews I've read.

It makes me wonder sometimes if the people who designed it have ever actually used an input device before.