.rm/.ram in QuickTime ?


When requesting a .rm or .ram stream on the Internet it either downloads (which is not very convenient) or it tries to load in Quicktime! (Which is catastrophic). I've got the latest version of RealOne and it works okay so far. Has anybody got the same problem? I couldn't find where to adjust the settings and the Real homepage just tells me RealOne plays "Real only" files automatically. Well, it doesn't. Happens both under Chimera and IE (in IE, I specified the file type to be played with RealOne, but no luck).
So, why does QuickTime try to "take care of these files" and does anybody know where OS X keeps such correlation info ?
Downloaded .ram files (references) work fine and open in RealOne as they should.
P.S. The problem might only be with .rm files...
I could be wrong on this one... but it sounds like you might need to tell QuickTime to NOT play these formats...

Go to System Preferences, click QuickTime then "mime settings..."

Make sure .rm extension(s) are unchecked. See if that works. :D