Road Runner Upgraded My Internet (10 down/1 up)


Staff member
Wow, nothing like pleasant surprises!

The speed test reveals I am very close. Very cool. I have longed for a faster upload speed, and while my previous 8 down was fine, 10 is even better.

I'm not used to being treated so well by technology in the middle of the country! Kansas City was late to the ball game, and while not cutting edge, Time Warner is keeping up.


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With Time Warner Cable, NYC (Northern Manhattan), I rebooted my modem Sunday and got upgraded to 7 Mbs up and 512 kbs down, from 5/384. The upgrade is unannounced and has come and gone before.

Verizon's FiOS is already competing with TWC-NYC in boroughs outside Manhattan and will here too eventually, explaining TW's "generosity." I think the outer boroughs are already getting 10/1.
I honestly didn't notice the upgrade. I pay $9.95/month to have my 5/384 upgraded to 8/384 or 8/512. Until I read over my bill (which I only referenced because of I was looking for a service number due to an apparent area wide outage (rare) this morning) and saw that regular service was upgraded to 7/512, and those paying the extra $$$ got bumped to 10/1000.
Wow!!!! 9096 kb's per second!!!!!! The fastest in Austria you can possibly get is 5000. We have 2000. But 9??? How fast is that? I can't imagine!
i too have seen an unannounced speed upgrade (cable modem) the last month from Cox Communications. Also I saw that Verizon FIOS was "coming soon" to my neighborhood. I am starting to think FIOS is starting to worrying the cable companies.