Roaming profiles ?

Johnny Sausage

Our network consists of an Active directory domain that contain all our user accounts and an Open Directrory server that applies preference settings to our G5s. Our G5s are bound to the AD domain and all users use network accounts to login. The problem is that these users move from workstation to workstation on a daily basis and never use the same G5. Is there a way for them to have a personal roaming profile that is stored on a server and copied down when they login to G5 ? How would I go about setting this up ?
ADmitMac will do this out of the box.

Try this, though:

dsconfigad -localhome disable

That will change the forced local home preference and change it to a network home, storing Library, Desktop, Documents, Music, Movies etc all on the server, instead of creating a local profile.
If i run dsconfigad -localhome disable, where will it store the profile ? How can i specify which server I would like to uses, etc ?

EDIT: I just tried it, I am able to login with a AD network account but do not get my desktop, etc. I noticed that the profile was not created locally so I guess it works. But where is the profile saved ? And how\where do i specify where I would like it to be stored ?
I figured it out, i setup the network home folders and the settings follow the user's no matter where they sit. One problem though, Classic will not launch, I get the error "there is a problem saving preferences required to run classic" Any ideas ?
well do you have the OS 9 folders setup as well as you did the other folders? i.e on the mounted NFS "reshared" volume . Also do you have the classic environment ( OS 9 ) set up to boot/start up at login? If you do, are extentions enabled or disabled? Look at those settings and you should be able to fix it. This is just off the top of my head, so if anyone else bumps in and adds to this topic it would further help you if this doesn't.

Good luck.

Figured it out. The home folders were sitting on a AFP share on a Windows 2000 Server. The max filename length supported is 31 characters. The name of preference file for classic is much longer than that. I moved the home folder to a smb share and it worked perfectly.