Revised instructions:
Install the OS X Developer Tools
XFree86 runs on Darwin, but not in Aqua. Just installing this, you can run it if you exit aqua (login as >console at the OS X login screen) and login to Darwin as root. Also, you need to create a .cshrc file in root's home that includes the XFree86 binary directory in the path <example: set path=(/bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/X11R6/bin/) >
Source (for patching)
Binaries for Darwin
Instructions for XFree86 binaries
Download these files (binaries):
1. The installer script
2. extract The utility for extracting tarballs
3. Xbin.tgz X clients/utilities and run-time libraries
4. Xlib.tgz Some data files required at run-time
5. Xman.tgz Manual pages
6. Xdoc.tgz XFree86 documentation
7. Xfnts.tgz Base set of fonts
8. Xfenc.tgz Base set of font encoding data
9. Xetc.tgz Run-time configuration files
10. Xxserv.tgz XFree86 X server
The following thirteen (13) tarballs are optional. You should download the ones you want to install.
(note: I don't know if any of these are required)
1. Xfsrv.tgz Font server
2. Xnest.tgz Nested X server
3. Xprog.tgz X header files, config files and compile-time libs
4. Xprt.tgz X Print server
5. Xvfb.tgz Virtual framebuffer X server
6. Xf100.tgz 100dpi fonts
7. Xfcyr.tgz Cyrillic fonts
8. Xflat2.tgz Latin-2 fonts
9. Xfnon.tgz Some large bitmap fonts
10. Xfscl.tgz Scalable fonts (Speedo and Type1)
11. Xhtml.tgz HTML version of the documentation
12. Xps.tgz PostScript version of the documentation
13. Xjdoc.tgz Documentation in Japanese
Then, from the terminal
1) 'sudo tcsh'
2) From directory that X*.tgz where downloaded to
Rootless XFree86 in Aqua
Patch method
This patch is designed to be ran again the XFree86 source code & then recomplied.
1) render.patch (& instructions) that must be patched to the XFree86 source before the rootless.patch
2) patch to make X run in Aqua (& instructions)
Binary Method (the one I used)
Download these bad boys. The first one is a binary
Here's how to install the binary:
1. Open XDarwin.dmg. It's a self mounting image.
2. Copy XDarwin from the disk image to /Applications
3. `sudo tcsh`
4. `mv -f XDarwinIOKit XDarwinStartup /usr/X11R6/bin`
5. `cd /usr/X11R6/bin`
6. `ln -s /Applications/ XDarwinQuartz`
7. `rm -f X ; ln -s XDarwinStartup X`
8. `chmod -R a+rx XDarwinStartup XDarwinIOKit`
note: you still must have a .cshrc in your home directory that contains the path to /usr/X11R6/bin/
example: set path=(/bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/X11R6/bin/)
9. To launch, type 'startx -- -rootless' from the terminal.
A word of warning: xeyes crashes rarely and AfterStep crashes
repeatably. Most likely there are other crash cases too.