Rotating Videos from iPhone


I have a two pronged question here:
1) How do you rotate a video taken on the iPhone if you are playing it back on your computer or posting it to a web site? I have tried in iPhoto, iMovie and Quicktime with no success.

2) Is there a good inexpensive or free converter to change the movies taken on the iPhone to AVI format for playback on a picture frame I own. I tried several with little success. The latest converter I tried was iSkysoft iMedia converter. The trial version converted the file successfully and worked fairly fast. The downside is a watermark was put on the output because I had not bought the software yet. That was OK to try it out but the other problem is the movie was rotated 90 degrees. Thus I am back to problem #1. Also at $49.95 it's a little pricy just for a conversion from time to time to use on a picture frame.

1) Then you haven't tried hard enough. ;) ... iMovie has the functionality. You take the clip into your project and start to "crop & rotate" it. Took me a while to find the exact spot where to do it in iMovie '11, but from my Google searches, the feature's there in all recent versions.

2) Try handbrake. It's free and does it all. However: You'll need to know _what_ avi files your picture frame plays. "Avi-File" is not really a definition, because .avi has been used as a container for many codecs. They can be DivX, for example. Or Windows Media files. You'll find handbrake here: ... It requires VLC to be installed only for converting DVDs.
Yes I tried iMovie again and it does rotate. Thanks for the reply. Very helpful.

I also tried handbrake and it is a nice free utility. Unfortunately it does not create an "AVI" file that I can use on my photo frame. The format I need is motion JPEG AVI video files. A small Nikon (I think) camera I had created videos that were in this format. The iMedia converter had a format used for a handheld that was compatible.

Thanks for the try.
