Routing 3 subnets in panther server


I have a panther server with three nic cards or en ethernet cards, each one connected to a different network.

xx.xx.1.101 = private intranet used for storing video files.
xx.xx.2.88 = company intranet used for internet access
xx.xx.3.10 = editors intranet

I have a NAT set up to forward network activity from the 2.88 to the 3.10.

But the editors (3.10) also need to access 1.101.

Is there a way to connect the .3 to the .1 network through the server?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here's a picture to show what I'm trying to say.

I did find this article which was helpful.

Here's a picture of the routing table:

Can't figure out why the 192.168.3 subnet is not entered. Whenever I enter
route add -net 192.168.3/24

I get the message:
route: writing to router socket: file exists

I have NAT enabled on the server to share my xx.xx.2.88 connection.

I have the mac os firewall running in order to enable the NAT.

Here is the article I used to create the NAT.

At this point, I have disabled the NAT & firewall from running on the server. I have been deleting routing entries and flushed the routing table. I'm just trying to IP forward between the three subnets.

Here is what my routing table looks like now:

But when I go to a computer on the xx.xx.3 net, I cannot ping a computer on the xx.xx.1 net.

Question #2:

route add -net 192.168.3/24
is this the correct way to do this?
Or should I be entering the ip address of the en card that is addressed to the subdomain. Example:
route add -net 192.168.3/24

I haven't been able to find any good, specific help on routing tables for mac os x. I know the concepts are the same in differnt OS, but it would be nice to have something that walks me through it. If you know of any resources I could try, I would appreciate it.

My ultimate goal in this is to have a NAT set up on the .2 subdomain, and the .3 & .1 subdomains talking to each other. And to have a computer outside the NAT, be able to punch into a computer on the .3 subdomain.

Thank you for your help.