Rules in Mail


I am trying to get my head around achieving the following....

What I have at moment.
I have a main 'work (A)' email account (pop) set up in mail.
I also have a 'alt work (B)' email account (imap) set up for backing up, and checking work email at home.
So for example If a mail gets sent to me on my work email, I have configured email forwarding to send a copy to my backup account aswell.

What I want to do.
Basically I want any mail which is received in account B, which is a 'duplicate' of mail sent to account A, to automatically be marked as read but leave the the original email in account A marked as unread (until obviously I read it). The email forwarding keeps the original sender details, so using the rule of;
From> doesnt work.

Is this achievable? If it is, could some one please advise. my head is all over the place today and I just cant get to grips with it atall!!!!

You can only achieve this on the mail _server_. Forwarding always resets the sender to the mail client forwarding the message. On (A)'s mail handler, you can set every mail to not only be sent to (A)'s address, but also to (B)'s. Then you can start adding rules on your mail client.