Run 10.1.3 on a 233mhz 7500!


A friend of mine online runs Mac OS X 10.1.3 on his 7500/233 with a 604e processor instead of OS 9. Here's what he's said about the upgrade, and one impressive screen shot:

"Don't let Apple tell you that you have to buy a "state-of-the-art" PowerMac in order to run OS X. Just for sh*ts and giggles I tried installing it on my old PowerMac 7500 with a 604e 233 mhz processor using Ryan Rempel's XPostFacto utility. This screenshot says it all:


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Interesting.. I wonder how ADP-keyboard and ADP-mouse will work, because they aren't supported...hmm... And everything else on that mac.. It has no USB-ports, only SCSI... I wonder if he can do anything with it...i mean like surfin, puttin external devices, etc..

But I don't wonder if it works. I wonder if it works smoothly...
Is that possible? Granted, he's got a decent amount of RAM for a machine that speed, but... wow. I ran OS X on a Blueberry iBook/300 with 64 MB of RAM and it did work somewhat OK, though... but I'm pretty amazed that he could even get it to install.
So... is it actually *USABLE*? That's the most important question.

Oh, yeah, I was gonna ask. Why is this in the "Mac Classic System & Software" Forum? This clearly has to do with OS X.
And I thought a 420 MHz G3 in an 8600 was slow enough :p
For the ADB thing, yes, of course OS X supports ADB. Both the beige and the B&W G3s had ADB ports, and the beige ones even shipped with ADB mouse and keyboard.
My Griffin iMate USB ADB adapter works great in OS X. I've tried it on an old ADB Keyboard and Mouse, but mostly use it for my old barcode scanner. I heard the iMate in general works better in X than in 9, but I've never tested it in 9.

I wonder if I could get OS X to run on my old Performa... It wouldn't even boot an OS 9 CD.... hmm :cool:
Nope, XPostfacto only works for PowerSurge models (Power Macintosh 7300-9600).

Anyway, just installing it on a Performa would take years :p
My Mac at work is a 9500 with 256MB ram running 10.1.3.

It works (including my favorite old Apple Design ADB keayboard), but it sure is not as much fun as this G4 867 here at home.
I've got OS X (10.1.3) running on a 7500 at home with a 233Mhz 604e, 160Megs of Ram, and a Firewire card...

It recognizes my ADB stuff (keyboard, mouse), my SCSI Zip drive, and my external FW HD with no problems!

(I wouldn't recommend using classic)

But OS X is faster than you'd think on a 604e, although boot time is S-L-O-W

I use MacOS X on my 8600/300. Sure is slow compared to a nice G4, but usable. 352MB RAM installed. The great thing is that I can use the bundled SSH to tunnel into my home network from college. 1 port, encrypted, carrying all my traffic through a NAT. *grin*
Man... so it is possible!

I've been thinking for a while about putting X on my old 8600/250 and this may be the last bit I needed to convince me.

Thanks guys! :)
Any idea what the speed would be running OS X on a 240-MHz 603e? I suppose I'd have to get more RAM (it only has 32 at the moment), but... do you think it would work?
A 240 would be bearable, but it wouldn't be a machine where you would be hammering the machine, so heavy games are definitely out of the question. Classic will run OK, but bog down your other applications, and ruin speed as you launch it, even on 352MB of RAM (I don't pageout often)

If you want a nice little home server machine, go for it :cool:

Oh, for reference, my main games on my 8600 are EV: Nova, Lineage (plays well, I get very little lag), and Maelstrom. I also have a couple others, but I am not a huge gamer, so these 3 keep me happy personally. (I also have xbill compiled for XDarwin, but I don't play it often)

just to show you theres hope i run 10.04 on my ppc 7300/180 w/ 80MB and stock video/hard drive to boot!yes its slow and eventually freezes to the point of forced restart But, it allows me to see what x is all about and i am impressed so far.this week i will be adding another 256mb and possibly a g3 upgrade card so it will become more useful to me.all this on a now discontinued mac that is not "supported" by apple and a big thanx to Ryan Rempels efforts to extend the life of a computer that was about be donated.
techie, get MacOS 10.1 for that thing. While it doesn't bring too much in speed/etc, it is a great boost as it does make times much more acceptable for loading/etc. After booting, System Preferences takes 3 seconds to launch. As long as I am not playing iTunes or QT clips (massive CPU hogs, which make themselves felt under OS X on older machines), things are OK. Running Mint Audio still slows things down, but 20-25% CPU for a VBR Ogg is better than over 40% for the same VBR Ogg in QT or iTunes.