Run programs from external drive?


I'm awesome...seriously..
I'm having to send the ole powermac g5 in to the doctor for about a week and plan on using my fiance's ibook during that time. I have a 250GB external harddrive that I'd really like to be able to run various programs from (photoshop, flash, dreamweaver, etc, etc) so I don't have to install all that stuff on her machine. Is there a way to do this or should I be going about another route all together?
That should be fine, I run programs on my girlfriends mac frequently using my iPod. Some apps need to install files in your application support folder so you'll probably have to plug the HD in to the iBook and then install the apps to the FW HD, or copy all your, say, photoshop files from folders like application support and, of course, your prefs to the iBook.
This might be a little far fetched, but what about actually booting to the drive? Like duplicating exactly what iv'e got on my harddrive now and putting it on the firewire. Then from her computer just boot to it. Could that work?
Do all iBooks boot from firewire? I don't think that the earliest ones did but someone should be able to tell you.
ziess said:
Do all iBooks boot from firewire? I don't think that the earliest ones did but someone should be able to tell you.
Are you saying that it won't let you pick from the startup disk prefs to boot to it?
If the drive itself is capable of booting (not all are) and the iBook has Firewire, it should boot to the drive. give it a try.