Running out of HDD space

Paul C

I've got a 40gb drive and apart from my 12gb itunes folder I haven't got any vids, etc but I've only got 10gb free. Is their any software out their which will show me what folders are taking up what space? theirs a handy one on the PC called 'treesize pro' but I can't find anything for Mac, or does anyone know of any system folders that get clogged up with temp files which could free up some space? :confused:

In addition to albloom's suggestion, for additional information - click on the file or folder of files, etc. and select 'Finder's 'File, Get Info' menu item; or, respective contextual 'Get Info' menu item.

'... does anyone know of any system folders that get clogged up with temp files which could free up some space?', yes. Some are in the '/Library/Caches/' folder, '~/Library/Caches/' folder's sub-folders, while - others are in the '/var/vm/' folder. And the MacOS X list goes on, such as log files in '~/Library/Logs/' and '/Library/Logs/', to name a couple ...

With respect to - '... 'treesize pro' but I can't find anything for Mac ...', you could consider writing an AppleScript - script or applet, Automator - workflow or contexutal menu item, or AppleScript Studio or Cocoa - application; to mimic the features of 'treesize pro'.
Thanks guys, it's a little frustrating working in IT and being confident Windows then getting home and having limited knowledge of OSX, I know how to do some admin but not too much :(