S.M.A.R.T. Self-Checks Failing


I am the law!
Anyone know what it means when the "Reallocated Sectors" attribute begins failing?

I'm running tech tool pro 4, here's what its telling me:

Attribute		Normal		Worst		Threshold		Status
Reallocated Sectors
			24		24		63			Failing!

Threshold levels are exceeded occasionally. You should consider backing up your data from
the hard drive. You should continue to check the hard drive for failures.

how serious is this? this is the second 250gb drive to go bad on me in my G5 :rolleyes:
Do a Google search and you'll find info on this. You can also go to Micromat's support and get info.
Reallocated sectors are sectors on the hard drive that have gone bad (every hard drive has bad sectors -- just not in numbers high enough to impact the capacity or performance of the drive) and have been re-mapped to non-faulty sectors of the disk. If the S.M.A.R.T. tests are detecting these, then it's time to start thinking about a new disk... yesterday... ;)

This is a common problem with a disk on it's way to failing.