Safari 1.2.4 Preferences can't change what I need


I've noticed Safari 1.2.4 runs differently on 3 different computers I know. On a co-worker's G5, it's perfect. The two main things I love are that it keeps the "cmd-`" option to jumping between windows and the assumption of "http://***.com" from any word you type into the browser.

However, on my own G5 at work, the ".com" doesn't fill in and Safari can't find the server, unless it's a recently visited or favorite site.

And on my own G4 powerbook, the "cmd-`" doesn't work either. Normally I'd think these were options I can change under "Preferences", but like a lot of OSX programs, the preferences seem very skimpy. How can I customize these settings?

Thank you!
Not sure about the .com assumption, but as for the command-`, that's a system-wide setting that can be customized in the Keyboard preference pane. On your system it must be either turned off or assigned to a different combination.
I'd suspect the .com assumption is put in by your DNS server, in that if it can't find the hostname, it will start searching in a given way. That would explain why it works differently for the same version of Safari from different locations - because it is dependent on the network to which you connect.
In your Network PreferencePane, under Ethernet, in the Search Domains field

put in '.com'