Safari 3.0 beta


cocoa love
Just what is so new about Safari 3.0? I'm using it right now and there appears to be NO new features. It looks just like Safari 2.0.
You're _looking_ too much instead of _using_ it. ;) Drag around tabs: Great. Increase and decrease the input forms on webpages: Great. Drag tabs down or up to create their own windows: Great. Drag the tabs back: Great! :) There's other stuff as well. has the overview.
The "new" version of Safari in Leopard has many new features. I think this is the solution Apple came out with to allow developers without access to Mac's, to develop and test websites, and iPhone Web 2.0 apps they may be building. Since Leopard was delayed until October, Apple has released a "beta" version (or scaled down version) of the up and coming browser in 10.5 for public testing.

It does seem faster than the older one, but then again... it could be the power of suggestion. ;)
OK, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you could drag tabs up and down to create new windows, that is VERY cool. Can I ask something else? On it shows a Safari window on 10.4 (I'm presuming because it has the 10.4 dock), and it has the "cool new itunes metal" look. Yet on my mac, I still have the old dull boring brushed metal look. How come windows users get the cool new metal look and mac users don't?!
it actually uses brushed metal in 10.4.9, that's right. i don't mind much, just looking forward to leopard. :) :) :) ... oh, and another cool feature: inline search done _right_. this is much better than how it's done in firefox etc. i'm a happy camper. now if only they'd release the same beta with all os x languages and not just english...
You can change the look from brushed metal if you have the developer tools installed.

I haven't figured out snapback yet. Anyone have a clue?
Before I ran the installer I moved the existing Safari into a sub folder in Applications because I wasn't sure the beta would give me any options (it didn't). Everything works fine but over at MacSlash people have claimed the installer won't run without Safari directly in Applications. Not so in my case. Someone over there mentioned that running the uninstaller completely restores version 2, even custom icons.

I was also unsure about (the daily updates) but it runs just fine within 3.0 Beta. I'm not sure where they stand with respect to the Beta though.
oh, and another cool feature: inline search done _right_.

! I can't tell you how often I've wished Safari (or any browser) could do that! A lot of the time I can't tell what the search feature selected because the standard text selection just doesn't catch the eye. Safari 3 has high contrast, and it even animates. NICE.

Dimming the entire rest of the page seems a little excessive, however. I think the overlays alone would have been better. As it is it compromises readability while the results are displayed.

I've just noticed a very annoying bug (oh please tell me this is not a "new feature"...) in text boxes. When selecting text, if you drag the selection off the left edge of the box, it'll select all the way to the top, and if you drag it off the right, it will select to the bottom. Now none of the 4 browsers I use most frequently (Safari, Firefox, Opera, Camino) have well-behaved text boxes. Shyeesh!
It's a work in progress. File a bug report. :) I like the darkening when finding inline, btw. – I guess on some websites (low-contrast ones?) it might seem awkward, but I can still read the rest of the text on most sites...

Btw.: With which sites are the problems with the text-input resize-feature? I've checked a couple of forums I'm using, and they all seem to work fine. Different board-software as well...
When I saw the text-resize feature, I immediately went to the one site that has most annoyed me with its small text fields. I can't give you the link, since it only exists for members, but here's a screenshot.

This isn't really Apple's fault. I can't expect them to deconstruct and reconstruct a web site that uses absolute positions and sizes for elements. I've always considered that to be bad design, and this is just one more reason why I was right. :p

For the sites it does work with, it works very, very nicely. For the others....*shrug* Just don't use it.

And yes, I do intend to file bug reports (for every little thing....).


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I'm quite interested in some of the underlying implications of Apple having released an implementation of Bonjour for Windows.

For one it means Windows users will be able to see shared printers on Macs and Airport Express / Extreme base stations. Bonjour shared websites will be visible on Windows, both in Safari and in Internet Explorer (anyone else notice the MSIE plugin that came with Bonjour for Windows?) - this will make Mac the computer of choice for serving websites on local, small office networks.

Along with iTunes, there are two other places where Apple uses Bonjour heavily: iPhoto and iChat AV. I think it will be interesting to see what happens with this in the future.
When I try to install Safari I get a message that says none of my disks meet the requirements. I am running 10.4.9 and I certainly have enough space.

Any ideas what might be wrong?

You have to have Safari in /Applications/ ... at least that's one requirement that could be missing if you move things around (which you shouldn't).