Safari add-ons


For Safari, are there any add-ons that can remove a particular web element from a web page or block Flash temporarily, as RIP and Flashblock do for Firefox?
Thanks, but can Saft Lite do those two things? Can it take an image out and close up the space taken by that image on the page? Can it block Flash but allow loading it when desired?
I've been using Safari Stand and Sogudi and one of those does put a placeholder for flash and plugins (I forgot which..).
To totally remove the space a flash thing would take... Firefox with flash blocking add-ons and all javascripts forbidden, but even that will still leave a sign that something is in there.

"Block content" feature in Opera would probably get closest to what you want, provided the features in Windows and OS X versions of Opera match.
PithHelmet can filter elements and collapse their space. SafariStand is the one with Flashblock-like functionality.
Thanks very much. SafariStand does indeed block plugins until I right-click. It does not seem to remove things, though. Still, just blocking Flash and other plugins until I am ready to view them (if ever) is a big help.