Safari and IE not recognizing URL


I had a weird experience last night. I have Safari 1.2 and IE on my Powerbook. At a certain moment I found that Safari couldn't reach the server for any URL i gave it. I checked my Internet connection and found it OK. I tried Explorer - same result. Then I remembered Firefox - tried it and had no problems. I reset Safari - no result. I downloaded and reinstalled it - no sucess. The only other thing I can report is that I downloaded a demo copy from Chronos of StickyBrain3 - before this everything was OK, afterwards, the problems began. I unistalled StickyBrain (longhand, following their instructions) but to no avail.

Anyone have any ideas.

Have you booted from the Jaguar install CD and repaired the permissions? Also try to log in as a different user. If the problem is gone then the culprit is in your User folder. You can then drag the prefs for Safari and IE to the desktop, log out & in again and see if the problem persists.
I have repaired permissions (although not from teh Jaguar CD). I have logged in as a different user and the problem persists. Is the answer to goot from the install CD and repair or something else?