Safari can't open the page - POSIX Error


This started happening a while ago when I was running 10.4.7. I didn't dig into it too much because I use Firefox for most browsing. Then I upgraded to 10.4.8 and all was well, Safari was working again. For a day or so. Now it does this (below) every time I open it, for every page I try. Doesn't matter, it simply won't browse anywhere. Meanwhile Firefox just keeps on working. :)

I think I have a larger problem, I've seen this error a couple of times now and similar errors elsewhere. Also my Apple Help doesn't work at all. It just opens and shows a list of thing, but nothing is clickable. Any ideas?

Safari can’t open the page “”. The error was: “POSIX error: Cannot allocate memory” (NSPOSIXErrorDomain:12) Please choose Report Bug to Apple from the Safari menu, note the error number, and describe what you did before you saw this message
Well been around the bend with this one and apparently it's some kind of proxy problem. After getting home from a business trip, I tried Safari and Software update (both had the same error) and they work from home just fine, no proxy. But we use a proxy at work. I had it configured for Automatic proxy, but also tried configuring one manually and that didn't work either. Very odd.