Safari crashes, help!


Hi there, i've been using safari on my G4 i mac for ages now and had never come across any problems except occasional pages not working. But recently when i open it, it opens but will not completely load the home page then then i will get the grey screen with the different languages telling me to restart, or it will seem that the connection has been dropped and i will not be able to go to any other pages either in safari or in any other browser!!!

I really dont know what could be wrong btu im not great at technical stuff so and help would be appreciated!
What version of OS X are you using?
Have you Repaired permissions, Repair Disk? Done any maintenance on the machine?
How much memory is installed?
Im running 10.2.8 and have repaired permissions and done the disk repair, the only thing this did come up with was some overlapping files but i managed to delete them.

Ive aalso used disk warrior which fixed a few other things butim still having this problem with safari... im pretty stuck as to what to do next!

oh and ive just got 256mb of memory.
Ok, after thinking that Safari was working i used it all afternoon everything worked as it should do, i then closed the window. Then next time i opened Safari it started to open the window then i got the restart screen again, so it seems that deleting that file hasn't worked after all.. Are there any other things i can try?
Don't know if this helps, but I had similar problems quite some time back. The gray screen of death appeared for no apparent reason. I also had some other problems which were reproducible and although I can't recall what they were they enabled me to pinpoint a corrupt prefs file called loginwindow.plist. I deleted that and ran DiskUtility to repair privileges and check disk and the problems disappeared. The file is in the User/Library/Preferences folder. Deleting it isn't going to stuff anything up so it's worth a try.
Don't use Disk Warrior. You no longer need it, and it really does more harm than good on your OS X system unless you have the most up-to-date version.

Download "CacheOut", a free program from version tracker that clears out your caches, both internet and system, without you having to search for them. It's a great program that helps with system maintenance.
I'm confused! I have been advised to use DiskWarrior instead of the bug-ridden Norton, but if that too can do harm to the system what should you use?! :confused:
Disk Warrior is a very focused program and does one thing, but it does it very well. I'm sorry to have confused you.

OS X does many things on its own like updates and middle of the night operations (if your computer is left on/in sleep mode).

Cache Out does some great things, as well as the non-free Cocktail ( Cocktail does a great job at restoring your computer to its original speed, or at least close to it.

Keep your computer's hard drive as empty as you can (get an external firewire drive for your files) and get as much RAM as you can afford to keep your computer humming and clear your caches, as was suggested in part by bobw.

vicky said:
... or it will seem that the connection has been dropped and i will not be able to go to any other pages either in safari or in any other browser!!!


if the problem affects other browsers (such as firefox), the problem might not be safari itself. can u try:

  1. reboot your system.
  2. start firefox. if this crashes, the problem could lie somewhere with the internet connection.
  3. if firefox works, exit firefox and start safari. if this crashes, problem might be with safari.
  4. if safari fails, try to start firefox again. if it fails now, it could be safari is causing problem with the internet connection.

a bit tedious but it will better isolate the problem.

if the problem is confirmed to be safari, u might try running pacifist to check for corrupt files and extract a new safari.

hope this helps
I've got a similar problem; when I start up Safari, the icon bounces twice and a Safari window opens but there're no Safari menu options at the top of the desktop. then Safari becomes unresponsive immediately. I have to force it to quit and that brings up another issue. The system stops responding for about 5 to 15 seconds, then I can continue working. I repaired permissions yesterday morning because when I woke up the PB, both Mail and Safari became unresponsive then the whole system became unresponsive and I had to restart the comp.
OK, my Safari is sorted for now. so is Mail. I just followed what has been suggested here by bobw and Frida . Thank you both. I found I had multiple loginwindow.plist files and deleted them all. I also trashed
Someone told me the computer was invented to make life easier! Hilarious! It was invented by the guys we teased at school. Major payback! :D