Safari Download


My safari browser have recently begun saving downloads as an .aspx file, when its a .doc or some other file extension.

I've been looking for some setting of some kind... but haven't found any, I have also tried resetting Safari, but that didn't help either.

Please help!!!!!

I Have an iBook G4 12" 1, 33Ghz w. Mac OS X 10.4.3

I think I know the problem you're experiencing. The problem is with the way you're downloading things. You're right-clicking on a link and choosing "Download Linked File", which is fine if a site directly links to a download.

Most download sites, though, link instead to an intermediary page, which automatically starts a download for you. By choosing "download linked file", you're choosing to download that intermediary page instead of the download itself. That's why you're getting ASPX files (which are a type of active server page files)

Try left-clicking on the download link.
I've been left-clicking... but the problem seems to be isolated to a few pages on our Campus Intra net. Think it might be a problem for Campus support.

Thx for your input