Safari error: "Localized sting not found"


I keep on getting this error whenever I right-click. Also some buttons show up as seen in the pics. I have removed Safari, reinstalled it, as well as deleted the .plist files in the Library to try and solve the problem.



Any ideas how I would fix this?
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Is there another page with information on the solution?

EDIT: It appears if you google "Localized string not found", then click on the 'cached' link for the, it will display the page.
Safari "localized strings not found" problem Yesterday we covered an issue where contextual menus in Safari would not show the usual menu items, instead showing the text "localized strings not found." This error generally appears when an application is being used on a non-English version of Mac OS X but the application is missing localization files for the language being used. However, these reports involve the use of Safari on a standard US English version of Mac OS X.

We've since received reports that this issue isn't limited to contextual menus; reader Vic Wertz writes:

"One of my users had a similar problem starting with 10.3.3: certain website *buttons* actually showed the "localized string not found" text; applying the 10.3.4 combo update fixed this issue for him."

In addition, readers also report that this error has also occurred in earlier versions of Mac OS X. Reader "nero007" writes:

The "localized string not found" error has apparently been around longer than 10.3.4 (if you check out Apple Support Discussions). However I hadn't experienced the error until updating to 10.3.4 on my Powerbook. I tried multiple solutions to try and resolve the error and the finally what fixed it was re-installing 10.3.3 (install and archive) and then re-upgrading to 10.3.4 using the combo updater."

Based on the reports we've received, we suspect a corrupt Safari application. Reinstalling Safari from the 10.3 Install CD (using a utility like Pacifist) and then reinstalling the Mac OS X 10.3.4 "Combo" Updater will give you a fresh copy.
Safari problems Several users are experiencing a problem in Safari where after the update to Mac OS X 10.3.4, contextual menus show "localized string not found" in place of "open link in new window".

Some have been able to remove the problem by re-installing the Mac OS X 10.3.4 combo updater, but others have not.
bobw said:
Some have been able to remove the problem by re-installing the Mac OS X 10.3.4 combo updater, but others have not.

It didn't work.
I used Pacifist to install Safari off the CD. I checked the app, and it was still broken. Next I used the combo updater, rebooted and the problems still exist.

Am I out of luck with this one? I sure hope not, I use the right-click functions all the time...
Just a little update...

I have switched to Firefox for the time being. It seems to do the trick nearly as well. As I see it right now, the only way this thing is going to get fixed on my system is if Apple decides to release a patch or update. Which I really hope happens, because Safari rocks!