Safari freezing


More and more often now when I am opening a new web page the scroll bar on the right gets stuck at the bottom and the application crashes. I have to force quit and when I do the computer makes an annoying series of wierd blippy noises until I restart it. I'm new to macs so can anyone tell me whats causing these crashes?
Several things could cause this. first of all please list the Mac, OS x version and if you installed/updated any software/hardware when this problem came about. I will list some steps you should do to try to fix your problem (10.3.x or better).

1. Open /Applications/Utilities/ and run the application "Disk Utility". Once it is open, highlight your startup disk and click on "Repair Permissions". For future reference this should be done about every two weeks of after larger software/hardware updates/installs.

2. Run the Unix log files (viewable in /Applications/Utilities/Console) rotation. OS X "rotates" these logs using an old Unix scripts called cron. However you have to leave you computer on all night and all the time for cron to run. However you can run cron with several freeware/shareware software programs. Just go to either VersionTracker or MacUpdate and download a program that can do "cron" scripts. I recommend a simple program that does nothing but run the cron scripts and it is called MacJanitor.

3. Make sure you did not have an old Safari add-on installed in your Mac. Updates often break third party add-ons.

4. If none of these steps help, please report back.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I can see you know what you are talking about. I went to disk utility to run repair permissions but the only disk it shows is my hard disk. Should I run it on this? Please excuse me if this is a numb question but I have only recently switched from PC and I don't have a clue what I'm doing.
You're correct, you typically Repair Permissions on your active hard drive. More often than not (like in your case), there's only one drive present.

Also, to make your life simple for step 2, download and run Onyx to do all this and other basic maintenance.