Safari has some commercial links in it ?!


Gone !
CAUTION: I may be wrong on this one.

I have browsed only a few sites with Safari: (Flash test) (obviously) (forum test)

HOWEVER, if I type "18" in the address bar, I get this link to display :

I thought this was strange. I tried to enter "4", and I got : !
This link has obvious reference to Apple, to MWSF etc. Are those some commercial links which are already in Safari's memory ?

This is weird. I don't like Safari having some links in it when I launch it for the first time. I feel some commercial grip: all those sites are commercial.

Please tell me my thread is wrong and should be erased. I'm using Safari 1.0 Beta (v48).
Go to bookmarks of Safari.

DELETE all them. Then drag there your bookmarks. it works.

No yahoo and 1800 flowers for me thx :D
hey toast - show me a single browser that doesn't come with some preloaded bookmarks :rolleyes:
Yea toast, they are bookmarks that come with Safari, click the bookmark icon (the left most icon that looks like an open book), see all the folders in there? That's what Safari is auto-typing.

Every browser I've used that I can recall has preloaded bookmarks too. :p
in fact, it was thru a preloaded bookmark in opera that i first found this site. :D
Haha! i was about to tell what was the first thing i did (googled for) with Opera but i autocensure myself :)
Originally posted by edX
hey toast - show me a single browser that doesn't come with some preloaded bookmarks :rolleyes:

Chimera? And it's not the preloaded bookmarks he's talking about, it's the autocomplete feature, which is REALLY loading the browser, yeah? (autocomplete and bookmarks are two different animals)

Yes, but wouldn't it be cool if Safari used your Bookmarks as 'preloaded' autocompletes? Even if you hadn't visited that site for a few months?

*Goes to see if it works*
Really? How?
I went in and looked up an address that Apple preloaded into my bookmarks, and Autocomplete didn't complete it!
How could I be so stupid!
I found '', and I thought it said ''.


I love Apple!
Okay, so I was -partially- wrong... But still, Chimera had no preloaded bookmarks. I suppose i'm just making myself a pain in the *** here. I don't care, I've erased them all.
heh... did any of you know that when starting up Safari for the first time, it automatically imported the bookmarks from IE's ??