Plus Tabs. Safari Tabs Rock. Now on to bookmarking them. ;)
fryke Moderator Staff member Mod Feb 24, 2003 #21 Plus Tabs. Safari Tabs Rock. Now on to bookmarking them.
Cat Registered Feb 24, 2003 #23 The funny thing is, when you hover a link and keep CMD-shift pressed, the status bar says "open in a new tab behind curernt one", but then when you click, it opens in a new window in front... well, it's a beta after all, an unofficial moreover ...
The funny thing is, when you hover a link and keep CMD-shift pressed, the status bar says "open in a new tab behind curernt one", but then when you click, it opens in a new window in front... well, it's a beta after all, an unofficial moreover ...
fryke Moderator Staff member Mod Feb 24, 2003 #24 Yep, I guess the coders are behind the UI element designers in this build. But not far, not far.