safari keeps quitting. why?


OSX 10.2.3, new G4 iMac. what could go wrong?

Safari rejects pages and quits time after time thats what.

And before I have time to send in a bug report too. Trouble in paradise indeed. What can I do?

Will Steve Jobs be able to personally fix it? I have seen them scoffing lunch under the sun umbrellas on the back lawn at Cupertino and I want to know that this problem is on tomorrow's lunch agenda, please Steve.

Oh yeah. regards and thanks for everything else,

Safari is a beta. That means it is still in testing and will almost certainly have bugs. Most of these should be corrected as updates become available.

In the meantime, make sure you've got the latest beta from the Apple site. Then, if any particular site causes a crash or bug, make a note of the address and send it - along with your system specs - to Safari's feedback page.
Not to be rude, but is there anything we here at the board can do about that problem? It's obviously a pretty rare bug and no one here yet has been able to come up wtih a solution. I certainly would have if I knew.

Send a bug report to Apple and give a very detailed description of the problem. I would even go so far as to include a crash log; this would help them out vastly. Here's how to do that:

Go to the Apple menu>About this Mac. Click the "More Info..." button. Apple System Profiler will pop up and gather info. Go to the Logs tab when it's done, and click the arrow next to Safari.crash.log. Click the arrow next to one of the dates of a crash, and drag the pointer across all of the text to select it. Copy the entire thing (Whew!), and paste it into the feedback box after the detailed description.

This should give them all the information they need to solve your Safari problem.
Ok Ricky I have done that and sent the log to Apple.Thanks for the idea. Surely i can't be alone in this problem?

PS Living in London doesn't preclude me from visitng Cupertino does it?