Safari my default browser already: and you?


I did a few tests : despite some obvious improvements to come, Safari is now my default browser. What about you?
Not impressed!!! Flash is even slower than in IE and the auto window size doesn't work. It also doesn't ask to keep password for you. Nice try, but I would like to see Chimera advance some more....

i'm sticking with chimera for now, just as fast as far as i can tell, tabbed browsing, is able to log into places like maccentral forums, etc. will keep an eye on safari though
...use Hotmail with Safari...

It is a Speed Demon... Yikes! Too fast!


Now, if they will make it full version 1.0 ASAP... :D
flash works fine for me.
safari to me is just chimera without tabs. it does have the coolio bookmarks manger thing, though. neato.
I will miss tabbed browsing but safari's processor utilization is appears to be much lower than chimera's so it is now my default. I can deal with slow flash for now.
I really like Safari. I have only tried it out on my TiBook, but on this machine, it is very very fast. I have not found a page yet that I have had a problem with. I loved Chimera, but it crashed rather frequently. Also, it was not supported by my online banking service. Safari works quite well.
Originally posted by jmr6809
it was not supported by my online banking service. .

That was one of the first things i problems with that at all.

All i ask is that safari lets me turn off quartz rendering...i dont want font smoothing turned on.
Safari is my default and the rest of the browsers got kicked off of my Dock (and into a folder called "Other Browsers"). :D

The ONLY thing I miss from the other browsers I use (Mozilla) is Tabbed-Browsing. Everything else about Safari I LOVE! Perfect so far! :)
I used to use iCab as my main browser because of its speed and features/configurability. I resorted to IE for pages that wouldn't open in other programs, and OmniWeb for Unicode pages.

Safari does Unicode (I can throw OmniWeb away), is compatible with all of the pages for which I used to resort to IE (probably won't need that anymore, but I'm not throwing it away yet), and is speedier than iCab. I'll miss a few features from iCab, but for now, Safari it is, unless I encounter any major problems.

Safari still needs some features (e.g. the ability to relocate the cache, autofill, the ability to stop Flash animations, better Cookie management, etc.) and has a few bugs. The bookmark interface is heading in the right direction, but isn't as intuitive as Apple touts (try adding a folder).

I will admit that I haven't tried Chimera in about 3 months. I loved tabbed browsing, but it crashed too much, lacked too many features, and didn't do Unicode well. I haven't had any crashes on Safari yet. To be fair, I'm going to give a recent Chimera build a try, but when Safari is done, I suspect that it will be my browser.
Originally posted by Sogni
Perfect so far! :)

And "SO FAR" does not mean it's completly perfect - but as perfect as I can see it SO FAR...
shesh! :rolleyes:
(aside from Tabs of course)
Originally posted by Sogni
And "SO FAR" does not mean it's completly perfect - but as perfect as I can see it SO FAR...
shesh! :rolleyes:
(aside from Tabs of course)

ok...actually i just have a gripe with people who think just becasue something is "apple" its perfect, you know what i mean?. But checking out your profile and web site I can see youre not one of them.

I am right in hollywood, by the way, right by you.
Ahh, you thought I mean "Absolutely PERFECT with no problems what so ever" when I said "Perfect so far"... sorry no, I don't belive that anything of that definition of "Perfect" actually excists... there is no such thing as anything being truley perfect. :)
And I like it that way! :)

Like me calling Safari "Perfect so far" is no longer perfect - I found a few problems, but then again I KNEW I would - I find problems in everything that excists in this world, so it was just a matter of time. :D