Safari open in Fullscreen



Is there a possibility to open the Safari browser in "fullscreen"?
I mean.....everytime I open the browser (same for IE) not use the whole screensize is in use. Sometimes the browser also hangs over the left or right side of the screen. So I always have to resize (or position) the browser window...

Any help?
if you hit the green button on the top right, safari maximizes to the extent that the web site needs. so like, if a web site is only 400 pixels wide, safari widens to 400 pixels. it's pretty cool (as opposed to just opening up the window to take up the entire monitor).
Originally posted by boi
if you hit the green button on the top right, safari maximizes to the extent that the web site needs. so like, if a web site is only 400 pixels wide, safari widens to 400 pixels. it's pretty cool (as opposed to just opening up the window to take up the entire monitor).

okay. but i always want to use the full screensize. the browser should use the whole screen everytime.....

aeh?.... what will happen if a website is constructed with 1600x XXXX ?? will safari widen to this size?

open google in a new window.
shrink the window to.... 300x300 or whatever. then click the green button. My latest version of safari makes nearly nothing.....or as you told the browser widen to the webdesigned size.

BUT: Why should I use such a small window if my monitor is really big?

SO: How can i widen then to fullscreen?

sorry for my bad english....
You must have been a windows user before, right? This is first desire I had, when I switched, but it's really much better this way. Anyway, if you want to have the screen more filled, you should raise the font size for safari / ie text. Am not sure how to do, but shouldn't be hard... give it a try
but... a change in the font size results in changing the "look" of the designed website...or not?

anyway i will try it. but this is not an "Apple solution".

I am using emac, ibook and a AMD PC.
Of course I like Mac more.....Apple has solutions for everything.

But it surprises me that such a simple fullscreen function is not included in Safari. Why?

This should be more easy to handle otherwise i have to say that safari browser is not really userfriendly.....

other solutions are welcome.....

maclover (using safari) ;-)
thxs and greets