safari problem

Something that Ive been trying to understand is why, when I press the resize green button at the top, the windowsize only goes down but not sideways.
This even if I change it and then try again.
It seems Safari doesnt have that feature to remember where one left the windowsize after making it fit the screen.

Or mabye Ive missed something ;)

PS: sorry for changeing the subject.

Um. On a side note. Has anyone else noticed that v73 will draw a line under (or through if the image alignment is set to middle) an image that is in an <a> tag that contains an image, and text??
Originally posted by wyvern
It's because most webpages do not like to be viewed really wide, just really tall.

...that really isnt a good reason to not be able to make the browser remember sizes.
Most others do :)
