Safari trouble


I try to log in and when it needs a secure certificate, it wont let me. says i need a new os or something...
help? ive downloaded the debuggers and whatnot
New OS? You are running Jaguar, right? And in 10.2.3? What does it say exactly? And don't worry if it doesn't let you log in everywhere, it's "normal" so I quit practically using it for that..
here's what im seeing...
my sugestion is trying to log in form a different place on the website like writing a review or the gold box
you just need to use a different browser. Safari is not a full blown browser, so some sites won't recognize it. For your security they won't allow Safari to work until they feel it's safe enough.

DUH! FIXED! I figured it was my date, set to 1996 because my GoLive has 'expired' Jeez, thanks anyway dudes!