Safari wont start?

mr. k

Anyone had any problems with Safari not being able to open? I cant get it to launch. I tried deleting the, no good; I tried re downloading Safari from and it didnt work either. I havent contected Apple yet and I havent tried to fix it too hard but if anyone has any ideas that would be great!
heres a copy of the Safari crash log (~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Safari.crash.log) i dug up. I dont have the kinda know-how to fix my problem from this, if anyone does help would be great.


Drawing on some user posts on Macintouch, one way to induce this startup crash was to change the option to "Remove downloaded items". I think by default, it is set to "Manual"; if you've been downloading stuff and later change this option to "Upon Successful Download", you might have problems.

The fix was to remove the following files:


You'll lose your settings (including the Debug menu if you've enabled it), but that should fix the problem.
