

I down loaded Safari Beta and got the Safari.dmg file. Next I doubled click the dmg file and it opens disk copy and tries mounting the installer disk but spins nothing more happens. I redown loaded the installer but same problem. Any ideas?
Running 10.2.3 G4 dual 1.25
In your downloads folder, look for "safari" after you try to mount safari.dmg. In my case, safari.dmg was replaced by "safari" (application), although the dmg never mounted. I double-clicked on safari (the one that replaced safari.dmg in the downloads folder), and sure enough, it was the newest version. Does your safari.dmg file disappear, too?
It was a font problem. I work in a prepress shop and we need to remove un-nessary fonts from our systems and we use suitecase 10 to manage the fonts. So when I loaded my standard fonts , Bingo, the installer worked fine.