Same Site Always Crashes Safari


Helpless Mac Newbie
The same site keeps crashing Safari, always at random intervals. I dont know why. I just siddenly get the beachball, and have to forcequit. Is there a way to see what is actually causing the problem?
The learning curve of changing from PC to Mac isnt steep, but the hill is littered with rocks and poisonous vipers.

What site is it? Without knowing, I can only guess what the problem is.

And my best guess is that you're using PithHelmet, or some other such add-on. I find that with Safari 2.0 and the latest version PithHelmet, stability gets shaky and speed can be generally slow. I've "outsourced" most of my filtering needs to a custom CSS file, and now I use PithHelmet mainly to Machete up some nasty sites and transmogrify some URLs for me. It's helped a lot for both speed and stability. But it still crashes repeatedly on some pages (no idea why, but I do know it's because of PithHelmet), and frequently chokes on RSS feeds (again, dunno why, but temporarily turning off PithHelmet solves it).

Oh, and Safari 2.0, and Tiger in general, is just plain slow. Can't forget that. :mad: Even with all my third-party goodies turned off, Safari frequently brings up the beachball for significant lengths of time (10 seconds to a couple minutes) when closing or opening tabs. Such a pain.
I only have the lastest Saft installed, and Saft has been installed and working fine for awhile before this started.

I'd tell you the site, but its personal. All I can do is assure you that its neither porn nor illegal downloads. :P
Well, then tell us about what the site's using. Is there a lot of Java things going on? Or Flash? Or heavy javascripting? You can use the activity monitor to see what Safari's loading. But of course as soon as the beachball comes on, that window will stop updating, too. Maybe you can take a screenshot of that then and you might see what's causing the problem.
Scottfab said:
The same site keeps crashing Safari, always at random intervals. I dont know why. I just siddenly get the beachball, and have to forcequit. Is there a way to see what is actually causing the problem?
Since the problem is site specific, the problem is either with the code or with the code in the site itself. I have often run into sites that are either having server problems or that are just slow in responding at times. Forums are particularly subject to that because of their typical linkage to a database. One thing that has worked for me in many cases is to click on the stop icon on the Safari toolbar and then either click on the link again or hit the reload button.
I have the same problem with safari crashing on certain blog sites. is the worst, it always crashes 3-4 pages into it- I've got OS X 10.4.1 and its been doing it ever since I installed 10.4.0. I'm assuming it's java scrips? ANYWAYS I downloaded some java update (Sorry I'm no expert) *Fumbles around* Java 2 SE 5.0 from here:

I _think_ it fixes some problems. Oh, and you have to change the java preferences to run that instead of the old java *phew*. Hope that helps.
I've noticed similar problems on certain forum threads. And that's individual threads, not entire forums, so it's not a bug in the forum software.

I discovered at least one cause of the problem, although I have no idea why it causes a problem: linked flash files. In threads where someone posts a link to a .swf file, Safari almost always crashes, but only when I begin to scroll the page. What's even stranger, so does iCab! Albeit not as consistently. I'm pretty sure it's the flash link, because when I disable plugins in Safari, it runs just fine. Is Safari doing some kind of pre-fetching (and pre-running?!) of linked files? And if so, is there any way to turn it off? The flash file itself doesn't cause Safari any problems.

Might this be the same problem you're having?
actually, it might be, as it does happen when I scroll. good thinking, though i'm not sure how to stop it short of totally removing flash from my system.