Satellite connectivity


Until recently, there were few to no good ways to hook a Mac to a satellite-based system. Then, Starband announced that they have a modem that is Mac compatible but the service is REALLY expensive.

Since I use Direcway, I called them to see when or if they'd have Mac connectivity. The guy says "they are training us on that tonight and we'll have your answers in the morning".

We'll see!

Introducing the next generation of DIRECWAY Equipment:

The DIRECWAY DW6000 modem Ð the easy way to get online instantly! With no software to load, the frustration of dial-up is a thing of the past. DIRECWAY¨ still gives you a super-fast, always-on connection that is ready when you are, wherever you are in your homeÑno dialing in, no waiting. The DW6000 makes set-up simple and up-keep an afterthought. If new software for the modem becomes available, the DW6000 will automatically update itself, keeping you cruising through the Internet at top-speeds, all the time!

Got a Mac? WeÕve answered your demand for high-speed access too. The New DW6000 is compatible with Windows and Macintosh based systems, ensuring even more people the opportunity to get high-speed access in their homes.

LetÕs take a look at the features of the New DW6000:
Compatibility with Windows and Mac based systems
Self Hosting/No Software to LoadÐ automatically upgrades software when new versions become available
No Phone Line Needed, uses two-way satellite communication for setup and operation
Ethernet connection Ð provides easy connection to your computer or home network
Direcway sucks. I had it back in the fall of last year. I ran it through my PC, serving up the connection to my Macs.

Downstream speeds were decent (usually 768kbps - 1mpbs), but latency isssues prevented you from playing any online games.

Upstream speeds were abysmall. Literally slower than a dial up connection, usually topping out at about 8kbps.

The kicker was they put a cap on your bandwidth. You can only download so much stuff in a 24 hour period before they shut you down. Unbelievable.

Luckily, I got rid of it before the 30 day window. Unfortunately, Direcway continued to charge me for months after until I got the issue resolved with them in the spring.

Overall, the service sucked and the customer service sucked.
I'd get ISDN in a minute instead of Direcway but I live in a rural area where alternatives aren't available.

Anyone have better experience with Starband?
Satellite systems are good for downloading. I set Starband up for a friend a few years ago. The downloads were comparable to a Cable system, but web browsing was comparable to a dialup modem. Starband went to a new modem last year that required a PC to run. The system I first setup only had to be setup using a PC, then use a router and you didn't need the PC any longer. The newer modem they came out with last year, requires a PC on all the time for the connection, still works on a Mac though. Now their coming out with a Mac compatible modem.

My friend was paying about $70.00 a month for Starband. Comcast became available to him this summer and they even gave him a $400.00 credit for the Starband equipment.

Anyone hoping to get Cable/DSL speeds for web browsing on a satellite system will be disappointed.