Scanner Not 'connected'?


hi, I've been trying to scan but all the sudden it says: scanner is not connected. the switch is in the right position as well..what can I do.
before, my applications disappeared. word etc. I fixed that and now the scanner is gone. so it's lots of the fonts and I'm unable to upload new ones..
would really appreciate some help.
thanks soo much!
I need more information. What OS version are you running?

What did you install just before this happened?

How many fonts do your have? OS 9 has a limit of the number of fonts it can manage.

How much free space on your hard drive? You could be maxing out on room to install.

Have you run a disk utility program? Depending on your OS version will depend on which utility to use.
hm, I'm using OS 9.2 ..MAC OS' space is full. do I need more space there. Before the scanner stopped opening, many of the applications had not been working so I got rid of some fonts etc. word, excel etc are working again. now the scanner is not anymore.
Fonts are now very basic. Arial, Arial Black, Impact, Monotype Sorts, MT Extra, Symbol, Times New Roman.
the utility pprogram.. can I download it from the web??we cannot find it in the office anymore..
thanks so much, T :confused:
With a full hard drive and no space available you will not be able to download anything.
First, open the trash can and see what is in there. If you deleted the fonts that you know will not be using, then empty the trash from the Special Menu at the top of the screen.
Now check all your folders. You need to delete the programs that you downloaded and never used, documents that are old and will not need, and scanned pictures that you no longer need. Remember to empty the trash.

If all you files are going to be needed in the future, you should invest in an external drive - or a zip drive - to save your files to.

Once you have the drive cleaned up, you should have room to download and to scan.

On a OS 9 machine, you should use Norton Utilities (the version for OS 9) or Disk Warrior for OS 9. The best way to repair the drive is to use the utility's CD to start up the computer and have it scan and repair the drive.

Running a disk utility while the computer is running off the OS on the hard drive does not find all the problems and can not repair the drive properly.